I was forced to overhear the following cell phone conversations (like most people, they SHOUT) - which one is the dumber of the two?
#1: Yeah so what happened? Then what you say? Then what they say? Then what you say? I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY THAT! Then what they say?Then what you say? blah, blah, blah. (This went on for a good 25 minutes.)
#2 Hi. I'm on the bus. I'm on my way. I'll be there in 20 minutes. So what are you doing? Nothing? Well, I'm on the bus, I'm on my way, I'll be there in 19 minutes. It's really sunny out today,I'm on the bus, blah, blah, blah. (This was still going on after she got off the bus.)
See why I hate IDIOTS who SHOUT on their phones?