
Which is the explanation that a lot of greek athletes are tested positive for the steroid methyltrienolone?

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  1. It is in every european milk brand you drink, so stay out of Europe.

    Seriously now, a lot of those "drugs" were not officially classified as such before, so many athletes were using them without penalties.

    Is the coach's fault primarily and not the athletes who dedicate their life to the sport in order to go to the Olympics.

    Do you think they are so stupid as to use something illegal that will show in the doping test?

    Edit: But you, my dear neighbor, what have you got to do with Greeks all the time?Why you keep bringing up everything negative you find while combing the internet?

    I am almost convinced you are jealous of us :P

    If not, please, get a life!

  2. Look at this list

    There are hundreds of Athlets (most are Americans),so why dont you post this question in USA's section as well?Maybe they can answer as well since they have so much doping cases.

    I suggest you to get a life soon...Would be wiser instead of search 24h per day the internet to find something to accuse Greece...

  3. Greek athletes with steroids were caught TOO eaisily. Who takes the drug while going to the Olympics hoping to get a medal, in which case she will definitely be tested? They take them earlier. So Chalkia couldn't have been so stupid!

    The weight lifting team: when the Federation went to test them, not all were there. Those who weren't there didn't have to be ther or to show up, they could have been practising abroad or sth. But they came immediately when tehy heard what was going on and gave a sample! Would you do that if you knew you were doped?

    And they were genuinely angry and pressed charges when they found out they were doped.

    I am not saying they don't take anything. All athletes take supplements. The thing is that Americans have the technology to produce substances that are not traceable or are new and not in the forbidden list yet, whereas in Greece coaches slip anything to these kids, I believe without them knowing it is illegal.

    But even coaches cannot be so dumb as to give them substances on the eve of the game. So I believe there must be some degree of a sabotage here. And asimenia I know we Greeks are keen on conspiracy theories, but amazingly these revelations all happen in sports where the US want the first place very badly and we take it from them. As for the US players, do you know they are not tested now because they punished Marion Jones with prison for having taken steroids, so now they are considered responsible enough to test their own athletes? WADA does not test them!

  4. They are innocent. Someone put the prohibited substances in their water bottles or made them poisonous injections when they were sleeping.

  5. I can only believe that the coach was the guilty party here and (hopefully) not the atheletes - who in my opinion would not do something so stupid as to ruin their one and only chance at the Olympics.

    It's good to know that all atheles are given a test before performing - this particular drug could have killed had they gone on using it - IF the coach is responsible then he should be held up for attempted murder!

    This drug has been around since the 60s (and earlier) - since that time  it is known thatat least 200 bodybuilders have died from using it.

    Until Athens 2004 this drug was able to go undetected - since the improved testing - Greeks/Russians/ Bulgarians have been found to be using this not widely available steroid.

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    I doubt that people feel Greek atheletes are such a risk that they are doping them - that's laughable, but I do feel that the coach may have insisted on their usage - possibly with the 'it' not illegal' comment involved.

  6. wow i knew there was a simple explanation to the greek athletes being disqalified..but who would guess some thing as innocent as MILK? wow indeed. i agree with is the coaches job to cheqk out what the athletes are consuming and what additives modern consumables have in them..frankly i spend too much time reading lables at supermarkets trying to work out if a certain product is good for me..but too me the word STERIOD i think has to come under closer scrutiny.most medicens and most foods have some sort of steriod in them ..i mean if you want to take it even futher ...THE american fish PHELPS..he may not take steriods per say..but did you notice what he drinks on regular daily consumption? it was REDBULL the gurana based drink which gurana is deemed as a steriod comes fromt he amazon jungles the indians use it as a pick me up there.. i know cause i use to drink redbull and the its very addictive and makes your heart to race faster .but any way it deemed as a steriod.. so why hasnt he been pulled up? i guess THEY  want to be blind when it suits them.. notthat i support drug cheats but then again i was a whiegt lifter for most of my youth and if you want to see steriod,s  be a whiegt worse than some drugs  they make you extremely agro i mean i seen someone ripp a sterring wheel of a car thats how much agro these steriods. can produce.but to have steriods in your daily intake of nourish ment ? imean  what the h**l!!!

  7. First of all everything is done in order to damage the greek athelts by envy because we have created the Olympic games, and we have started and given the lights to everyone...

    I dont think that all this happened by chance...

    I would like to ask a quesion dear"where is your problem about it?

    And how many awards did your country win during these Olympic games?

  8. Doping exists mainly in communist countries, ex-communist countries, and lately also in USA.

    About Greece and other european countries, you cannot generalize.

  9. Verginia is right.  This is the second time that you've done something like this.  Anyways, its not their fault.

    -Katerina Thanou's ban had been lifted from 2004, and then she busted her but to qualify, and then right before the race the IOC decides that she cannot compete.  Wtf is that?   But its fine for other nations' athletes to compete after a ban.  If anything, she should've been able to race and not any1 else from other nations, cuz we invented the olympix, but no one cares.  11of our 14 weightlifters got banned, but no1 cares.

    -Canada caused us to lose many athletes in recent olympiads, but we didnt ask for them to all get tested.  Thats b/c we have CLASS unlike them.

    -No one talks about Greek athletes in the olympix.  They ust make fun of them. If it wasnt 4 us, there wouldnt be any sports inthe world anyway.

    -Halkia got banned cuz some1 sabotaged her.  She admits to not doping and I believe her.  She had 2 fly back to Athens and the backup couldnt have time to go to Beijing cuz they set it up so Greece could not be able to participate.

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