
Which is the fastest and expensive bike in the world?

by Guest62566  |  earlier

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Which is the fastest and expensive bike in the world?




  1. You could put this on in the mix for both

    No good for racing with though.

    Not even drag racing

    You would have to Narrow the parameters a bit. are you talking Top fuel, jet engine road legal or just custom made.

    As Girl Racer points out, it does have 4 wheels

    and its all estimated speeds. I dont know if it has actually been test driven

  2. That'll be the 8200cc Dodge Tomahawk -

    Built by Chrysler (and a car that I drive)

    it's a Viper V-10 engine, 500 Horse Power,

    0-60mph in 2.5 seconds.

    Costs in the region of $555,000 -

    However, I'm so sure that this could infact

    be classed as a motorcycle as it has 4

    wheels !!!!!!!!!!

  3. The one that E.T used. lol

  4. Sorry, but you must have clicked the wrong section, as this is the motorcycle RACING questions.

    The best advice I can give you is you to post this question again.

    You would get a better response in....

    "Cars & Transportation"> "Motorcycles"

  5. Ducati 1770

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