
Which is the first foreign community in the U.K.?

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I am asking for non integrated community

(african, arabs ....)




  1. But who was indigenous? You mean in recorded history? Probably the Celts who crossed from N. Spain or S. France.

  2. That's a difficult question since just about everybody in the UK has ancestors from elsewhere. Do you mean a community around today that is distinctly foreign? If so, I would say the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community who began arriving in the 1950s and 1960s.  

  3. This goes back centuries, you realise.

    The Jews traditionally had Aldgate as their quarter in London.  The Dutch traders in East Anglia, the French Hugeonots, the Irish, little Italy up in Angel, Poles after WW2...the list goes on.

    Don't believe anybody who seems to claim immigration is both new and unwelcome.  Every new wave has brought benefits and made Britain what it is today.

  4. are you asking integrated or non integrated

    in that case i would look at any Muslim community in Britain they seem to have no intention of integrating but then how can you integrate with something you have no understanding of only that it goes against everything that your religion has taught you about how to live.

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