
Which is the first foreign (non integrated) community in the U.K.?

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Which is the first foreign (non integrated) community in the U.K.?




  1. buddist monks living in isle of arran for ages

  2. They all refuse to integrate and to answer your questions it would probably be the blacks.

  3. Good question this.

    How fast you allow immigrants from one country into England determines integration.If a lot come than they have their own community and less need to merge.Also how much media is available to them affects the outcome.If you are from say Ethiopia,and you come here and there are 3 TV channels in your language and shops sell your food and the government funds a Ethiopian school and there are newspapers in your language..then ther is no need to bother integrating.

    So that is the problem,the world's people are globalising,but the world's media is fractionalising and keeping communities apart.

    So the answer to your question is that everyone used to integrate in the UK,but now no communities have any need to integrate from anywhere.

    l integrated because we had no other people from our country nearby and the only language spoken was english so l learnt that ASAP.All state funded schools were english and all TV was in english,so l became English.If l was coming today to britain,l probably wouldn't bother as l have everything here in from my mother counrty.So blame the government

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