
Which is the greatest U.S. race horse ever?

by Guest67114  |  earlier

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Sorry If this question has been asked many times before but I am from Australia so my knowledge on U.S. racing is limited.




  1. There's generally a lot of bias in this area, so I'll throw in about ~10 that should be on the list in no particular order:

    Spectacular Bid

    Native Dancer

    Swaps (six world records from an under-appreciated horse)

    Man o' War


    Kelso (very underrated for what he did)

    Citation (he was so perfect at 2&3, why did they have to ruin it by racing him as a second best horse in his older years?)

    Dr. Fager (the fastest miler that ever lived)

    Affirmed (Alydar should be higher up on most lists IMO)

    Tom Fool (Most people don't recognize him as a great, but his four year old career was amazing and perfect)

    Count Fleet (I think this horse is a wee bit overrated, but still great)

  2. In my lifetime as I have seen or been there-Secretariat and Cigar.

  3. By this study done in 1999 man o war

  4. sarah jessica parker

    that horse is a star

  5. seabiscuit.. but i still think that ruffian could have been great

  6. Man o war was the top and then secretariet

  7. absolutely Secretariat!

  8. I'd have to say Secretariat.  His 2:24 in the Belmont still stands.  Incredible.  But Ruffian.....sigh....what might have been....

  9. The green monkey is fantastic. All those races he won!

    16 million on that horse... and nothing. >.<

    Secretariat was a great horse. I wish I had been able to see him when he was alive, but the videos of him running are amazing. He also captured the US's hearts when we were needing a 'national hero' to take our minds off of everything. Which seems to be some sort of regular thing over here. He was on the cover of 3 national publications, Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated. I believe he's the only person, place or thing to have ever done that (be on all 3 that is).

    He's also on a postage stamp, ESPN's list of the 100 greatest athletes of the 20th century, and ESPN's who's number 1 for sports performances, for his belmont win. On both of those lists he's the only non-human.

    There are many arguments to the best horse ever, but for what Secretariat did, I believe him to be one of the best.

    Kelso was also a great horse, I don't think he gets enough credit, being a gelding and retiring to being a riding horse. 5 times horse of the year... thats quite a feat considering most horses retire well before their 5th year of life, let alone racing.

  10. Secretariat and Curlin.  Even though Curlin wasn't a triple crown winner and Secretariat was an amazing triple crown winner, Curlin has won the Breeder's Cup Classic and became this year's World Champion after winning in Dubai. I know these races didn't exist in Secretariat's time and I'm sure he would have won them also, but that doesn't take away from what a great horse Curlin is.

    Barbaro and Ruffian?  Can't speculate but possible they could have been amongst the best.

    Of course, the Green Monkey would be my next choice.

  11. Most horse racing sportswriters/historians will put "Man o' War"

    on top followed closely by "Secretariat."

    No doubt you know about the performance and fate of "Phar Lap?"

  12. 1973's Triple Crown Winner- Secretariat

    He was so phenomenal.

    There is stuff about him all over the city of Louisville.

  13. seabisquit


    just to name the first two to come to mind.

    ruffian might have beent he greatest if she hadn't broke down.

  14. Secretariat

  15. Blood Horse Magazine has a top 100 thoroughbreds of the 20th century list.  Here are the top ten:

    Man O'War




    Count Fleet

    Dr. Fager

    Native Dancer


    Seattle Slew

    Spectacular Bid

    Personally, I think Secretariat and Citation could beat Man of War.  My favorite is ***Secretariat, who still holds the all time track records for two of the three triple crown venues, (the Kentucky Derby and Belmont).  One would be remarkable, but having two is absolutely phenomenal.

    Comparing Man of War to Secretariat is much like comparing Jim Thorpe to Roman Å ebrle.  The former may be more famous and was more of a phenomenon in his time, and has since become a legend, but couldn't compare to the latter. (Decathlon)

  16. Secretariat, no question.  But I would have to follow that with Man O' War, Citation, Seabiscuit and while most of those mentioned are dead and gone...I will say that Cigar was also incredible.

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