
Which is the greatest wrestler ever that never gets mentioned as an all time great?

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Somebody who doesn't wrestle anymore, and doesn't get the recognition they deserve.




  1. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine: was a very very good wrestler and a good powerhouse and technician

    Ted Dibiase Sr.: Possibly the greatest talker of all time and an excellent technician

    Jake "The Snake" Roberts: Might of never won a title in WWE but he was a big part of the company throughout the 80's and 90's

  2. Rowdy Roddy Piper - One of the best EVER on the mic. One of the best pure brawlers I've ever seen.  Also had technical skills that he could use, in addition to just brawling.  Played one of the best heels I've ever seen.  Played one of the best FACES I have ever seen.  Do whatever you have to do to watch some old GA. Championship Wrestling segments with Piper doing color commentary, alongside Gordon Solie.  Classic, CLASSIC, stuff.  This guy should be considered right up there with the Hogan's, the Flair's, and the Rhode's as one of the very best of his generation.

  3. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

  4. Iron Mike Sharpe

  5. "Macho Man" Randy Savage is great example of one the greatest wrestler of all time that never gets love cause he is one crazy SOB.  

  6. Andre The Giant. I haven't heard his name mentioned in the WWE anymore

  7. That's cos hes dead Jordan23.

    I would say, Rickie Steamboat.

  8. Don Muraco was a great heel.  His feud with Jimmy Snuka was epic, IC Champion, great worker and good on the microphone.

  9. OMG I can't believe how many of you are saying Benoit was the greatest.    Shame on you.  SHame shame shame!  omg.   he's a murderer.   shame on you.  

  10. Tully Blanchard.

    he was a better wrestler than Ric Flair IMO.

  11. frank gotch.

    lou thesz.

    gorgeous george.

    look it up, kids!

  12. RVD

  13. id say Pat Patterson, you never hear anyone talk about him and he was the 1st IC champion

  14. bob backlund.

  15. One wrestler in particular is Bruno Sammartino. In my opinion he was a great wrestler and he defeated very strong and popular wrestlers back in the day. Also, he was the World Heavyweight Champion for 7 years! That to me is incredible. Some people remember him and still admire him while others don't even have a clue of who he is.


  17. sabu  iron sheik...........ivan putski......nikiloi volkof.....ivan kolof..............the black jacks........just to name a few

  18. Chris Benoit

  19. Chris benoit... i no he killed his family and stuff but he was a great wrestler he should be in the hall of fame or something its bull c**p they dont mention one thing about him... it was steriods that messed with him..  if he didnt take them he wouldnt have done that

  20. Andre The Giant, he was great back then, but now its like he never gets mentioned anymore

    EDIT: I already know he is dead ARNY. But does Chris Benoit still get mentioned YESS

  21. The late great Curt Hennig aka Mr. Perfect.

    He had charisma, and excellent technical abilities yet never won a World Championship even. His AWA title reign isn't counted, but even in WCW he didn't draw much.

  22. Chris Benoittt

  23. Bad *** billy gunn, X-pac

  24. Buddy roger's, tito santana, brian pillman,

    even dusty rhode's

  25. Macho Man Randy Savage

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