
Which is the largest book in the world?

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Which is the largest book in the world?




  1. Largest Book

    "Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom -  A 133-pound tome about the Asian country of Bhutan that uses enough paper to cover a football field and a gallon of ink has been declared the world's largest published book. Guinness World Records has certified Hawley's work as the biggest published book, according to Stuart Claxton, a Guinness researcher.

    Most Pages

    The "Yongle Dadian", an encyclopedia of the Chinese Ming dynasty, had 22,937 chapters in 10,000 volumes. Over 2,000 Chinese scholars worked on the book for 5 years before it was finished.

    In modern times, the Spanish encyclopedia "La Enciclopedia" "Univeral Ilustada Europeo-Americana" has 105,000 pages. The longest modern work of fiction is the 40-volume novel "To-kugawa leyasu" by Sohachi Yamaoka.

    There are many other types of ancient books such as the 15,000 clay tablets left by the ancient Hittites.

  2. Paper: "Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom"

    Stone:  "Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay, Burma (Myanmar)"

  3. What do you mean by 'largest' ... it could be the size of the book measure from top to bottom, side to side, front or spine.  It could be the number of pages.  One of the larger (and truly BEST) books is the Oxford English Dictionary ... it comes in 13 (or possibly more) volumes, but it also comes as one 'book' that is in a boxed case that has a small drawer inside for the magnifying glass that comes included.  This book certainly has the MOST WORDS in the English language in it, plus very long and involved descriptions, histories, and references.  I think that the largest book by size is probably a Bible, though.  A Gutenberg Bible (the first book ever printed) was made large so it could be used during masses in church, but was also made large for 'easy reading' ... but you must be able to read and understand German to be able to read it, and I think most of the remaining Gutenberg Bibles are in museums or church display cases.

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