
Which is the last planet of solar system?

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Which is the last planet of solar system?




  1. Not pluto. Pluto is no longer called a planet.

  2. They all formed at the same time.  When the sun goes red giant, Neptune should last the longest since it's the farthest from the sun.  

  3. Recently Pluto was changed to a dwarf planet meaning it is no longer a planet (such as the others), but is in a category by itself.

    Therefore leaving Neptune to be the farthest planet from  the sun.  

  4. Planet X...  

  5. Neptune

  6. It is either Pluto, or Neptune. This is for many reasons, one is that some scientists don't think that Pluto is large enough to be considered a planet. Also Neptune's and Pluto's paths cross, so at some points, Neptune is farther. There has also been proof that there is a new planet, a tenth one, and it's name is basically a bunch of letters and numbers. But some people either haven't adapted to that, or don't believe it's true.

  7. i sort of think it was the earth, since it is so complex. then again, i also think the other ones are only there to balance,protect,..., earth and life.  

  8. sedna?

  9. Alphabetically, Venus.

    Reverse alphabetically, Earth.

    From smallest to largest, Jupiter.

    From largest to smallest, Mercury.

    I assume though, you meant the farthest away from the sun, which is Neptune.

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