
Which is the least racist country in South America?

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I am a foreigner from Africa, black, and eager to go to South America to live and to invest, but I am not too sure about the racial situation. Which is the country that is most likely to accept a black foreigner and welcome him into their community?




  1. I dont know any other cities, but in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I never saw a black person... I would suggest the Caribbean or Colombia or Brazil. I am from the southwest in Colombia and we have a very large black community, so you will be treated and respected as any normal human being should!

  2. Good question, Latin america is not as liberal as many think so.

    you might want to pick a country that already have blacks as part of the population.

    that would be either Brazil or Colombia which are both really fun countries that i like alot, or a caribean country like Trinidad.


  3. Yeah, Colombia, Brazil and Panama(central america) those countries have many black people, so they are ok with that..Caribbean also has a large black community

  4. I would say either brazil, colombia or panama, I think they have the largest black populations. Bare in mind that most of the population are mestizo and white, but there is a significant black population in the 3 countries. Or you could try some place in the carribean.

  5. Maybe you should go to Brazil, Ecuador, colombia. Where you can blend with the population.

    avoid Argentina, chile and Uruguay. they are not racist countries, but a black person is still something "weird".

  6. Most countries in Latin America are a melting pot. The indians used to live in South America (Incas) but then the Spanish came to "conquer" and then a huge migration from Italy came, and so on. I have lived in Peru, Chile and Argentina and I have seen many races in every country. I don't think  there is a country in South America famous for being racist. In every country there are whites, blacks, indians, and a whole range of mixtures, which make us more tolerant. I have never seen in the news any display against any particular race.

    And besides, it's a man's actions which speak for himself, not the colour of his skin so just come and enjoy life in South America!

  7. I would say brazil or peru

  8. A friend of mine is moving to Costa Rica.

    He says that is a good place to settle.

    I think you would be welcome anywhere as long as you live right.

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