
Which is the more evil? Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism?

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Which is the more evil? Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism?




  1. None of them are "evil" it just depends what the countries governments goals are and how they want to go about achieving them.

  2. It depends on how the systems are implemented. Socialism can be awful, like in a Marxist system, or it can be in my opinion the best system - democratic socialism, pretty much what most of the European Union has.  A 100% capitalist state would be ridiculous, but a "mixed economy", like what America has, isn't too bad. Communist states are often also totalitarian states, as totalitarianism means government control of everything, and communism is government control of economy. But I would say totalitarianism is the worst, followed closely by communism. Socialism can be really bad or really good, just like capitalism.

  3. In my opinion it's not a matter of what is more evil any more. It's a matter of what is sustainable. Communism and Totalitarianism are not sustainable because of the limitation of personal freedoms and Capitalism (even in it's mixed form like in the US) is not sustainable in the long run because it's essentially based on the implicit assumption that you have unlimited resources(that is the reason it was relatively successful until now in the US).

    In my opinion I would say a more democratic form of socialism, somewhat similar to what the Scandinavian countries currently have is the most sustainable system.  

  4. I don't find any logic for Totalitarianism. The others have some good and some bad.

  5. Out of the 4, I favor Capitalism. Communism, Totalitarianism are both just BAD, VERY BAD and Socialism is incompatible with civil liberties and according to Karl Marx, a route from Capitalism to Communism.

  6. Liberism is the eviless of all. The evil doers on the left aka Edwards for  one

  7. You could argue for any of the four really.  Any of them can work and make the people happy, or fail horribly and end in a civil war.

    On average it would have to be Totalitarianism closely followed by Communism (mostly because they are both one party rule systems) since both regularly end in mass murders.

    The European model of Socialism would be less 'evil' than the Capitalist systems but that's just because the center left wing believes in giving everyone a chance (without taking equality to the extreme) and generally a more caring society, neither are anywhere near the other two anyway. Socialism can turn bad as you mentioned but that can happen to any system.

  8. It is not he system which is an evil? The evils are the men who apply the system with stupidity and stubborn. Each system when applied honestly can be worth of trying. it is sure , i would not like to live in totalitarianism  system

  9. Totalitarianism is without a doubt the most 'evil' of these systems. if you read '1984' by George Orwell, you will understand how totalitarianism operates. Hitler and Stalin were both Totalitarians. Totalitarian regiemes have complete control over everyones thought and actions.

    Capitalism is the system that America uses and focues around privatley owned production.

    Communism offers a direct alternative to Capitalism, and focuses around state owned production.

    Socialism is somewhere in between Capitalism and Communism, and focuses on public owned production, well being, health, education and social justice. Socialism is a bit of a godsend for the less privaled.

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