
Which is the most annoying?

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When people pretend to be Kobe or Lebron?

When people call athletes Kobrick Cryant, Lechoke or Lebrick Shame?

When people don't shut up about Kobe and MJ comparisons?

Or people that complain about all these things?




  1. How about somebody who actually asks a question about this?

  2. it's gotta be me.

  3. None of the above!People are going to ask lame questions base on who they love or hate.I don't care about the haters because i know the reason they do would be very funny to me.

    Most ppl who hate are very unhappy ppl !

    That brings a smile to my face!


  4. Its a tie between the 1st and 2nd one

  5. How about people who are still arguing about Celtics/Lakers?

  6. when habib marwan asks retarded questions like this...

  7. all of the options ...

  8. yea... i hate how they always compare and call them kobrick or lechoke (doesn't even make much sense!!!!) and everybody needs to shut up about kobe,lebron, and mj because this discussion has gotten way off hand and has been seriously going on for many years. take a break people!

  9. All of the above.

  10. the comparisons get on my nerves. both players built/building their own legacy get over it people, but the pretenders come in for a very close second

  11. Laker fans

  12. The MJ Kobe comparisons.  

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