
Which is the most credible statement?

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1.Britain helped enterprising colonists by passing legislative incentives.

2.The colonists preferred neutrality in the conflict called King William’s War.

3. The House of Burgesses established self-rule in the colonies.

4.The same religious fervor that led to the Salem Witch Trials also prevented the colonists from defying British rule.




  1. I'm bored so I'll do your homework for you:

    You need to explain why the three other statements are NOT credible.

    1.  Britain passed legislation that prevented entrepreneurs from manufacturing products in the colonies.  Colonists could only export raw materials and import finished goods to insure markets for British Products and maintain a virtual monopoly.  This is why smuggling was so lucrative and Samuel Adams (His brewery failed by the way), among others hated British Taxes:  They were smugglers.

    2.  Red Herring.  Google the war to find out the story.  Colonists wanted more land which is what lead to the war with the Natives.

    3.  The House of Burgesses (Doesn't specify which colony) lead to the Principle of Representation in government, not necessarily self-rule.  Parliament already had power of the purse over the crown.  The legislatures played a similar role in that they authorized taxes and approved laws.  The colonies were always ruled by either a proprietor or Royal governor.  

    4.  Might actually have some merit.  There were many loyalists to the crown and part of this loyalty stemmed to religious fervor.  If you research this point in detail you could actually say this is a better answer than no. three.  The Revolution did not actually get started until Benjamin Franklin went to Britain to redress greivances.  He went as a loyal Englishman but came back a howling revolutionary, when he saw that there could be no accommodation with the monarchy.  The Revolution started as a rebellion only.  It took a lot to get the vote for independency in the continental congress to make it a revolution.

  2. 3 is the correct answer.

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