
Which is the most dominant form of communism?

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Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism, Luxemburgism (have I missed some out?) which do people think would be the most successful? (If any)

Which is the closest to Marxist Philosophy and the writings of Karl Marx?

This is Sociological research, Please don't send answers about how great capitalism is and how bad communism is because its useless to me.

Also if you would like to put why, by all means :)




  1. Well If your talking about the states which call themselves communism the dominant ideology which the support is stalinism and maoism.

    If you're talking about political movements, in the west Trotskyism is the dominant ideology of the largest marxist parties. In the rest of the world trotskyism is also quite strong however stalinism an moaism still hold a lot of sway. Such as in Nepal where maoism is close to taking control of the state.

    Its important to take into account the old communist parties in europe as well, many of them have become economically quite right wing. While retaining the worst elements of stalinism such as rascist, fascist and totalitarian ideologies.

    Leninism and Luxemburgism would be ideolgies that both trotskyists and stalinist would purport to be the inheritors of.

    Leninism is probably a step closer to marxism and trotskyism which formed as rejection to the dictatorship developing in the soviet union is probably closest to marxism. Marxism was against a centralised totalitarian state and for popular and active democracy; these are the ideas which trotsky summoned in his criticism of the Stalin and the Soviet State.

    Trotskyism is a name created by stalinism in order to make it look like a divergent ideology in marxism, however, what was really occuring was the bureacrats in the Soviet Union were breaking with Marxist Ideology to solidify their power. A

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