
Which is the most exciting year in a person's life? Is it when we are 18-year-olds?

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Which is the most exciting year in a person's life? Is it when we are 18-year-olds?




  1. Whatever year you are in; right now.

  2. I hear the year you turn 237 is pretty good, although there may be someone older who can suggest otherwise.

  3. The most exciting year in a person's life is when he/she are blessed with love.

  4. I don't think it comes at any particular age. Plus, our own attitude toward life can change both what occurs, and our feelings about what happened.

  5. You won't really know until you're on your death bed.  My life was boring as h**l when I was 18.  I joined the navy and became a police officer.  Every day I come across something cool.  I once helped put out fires where we keep the fuel for the navy's ships.  A week before that, I had to help put out a fire where we keep some of the bombs the military uses.  Yeah... fire near explosives.  Nothing I ever did when I was 18 compared to that and so far nothing has ever been that exciting.  But I'm not done living yet and maybe I'll experience something even more exciting than felony stops and shooting big guns and putting out fires.  Everyone leads a different life.

  6. my first year of college was sort of exciting.. being on your own for the first time and all..  buying your first house can be exciting too, but that excitement starts to turn to frustration as soon as you figure out how much work goes into owning a house..  having your first kid can be exciting.. but you forget the initial excitement when you start trying to function on little or no sleep..

  7. I would say the 1st year. So many 1st time things done.

  8. No, that's too young. I would say 27-33, somewhere in there. Still young, starting to have money, plenty of opportunity, not old enough to be bitter.

  9. It really depends on what is going on in your life at the time.

    For some, 18-22 is the best time.

    For some people it is when they become new parents.

    For others, it is when they get marries.

    For others it is when they get divorced.

    For others it is when they become retired.

  10. well i think when u get your first sallery and you have lot of plans for spending it......

  11. 18 years of waiting.. Whoa! I turned 18  this month and I can't explain everything that is on my mind.. I can't even tell how happy I am, it's a strange feeling, I never felt this way before..

  12. life just starts at 18 honey...

  13. not even close, i think it comes somewhere in the mid 20's

  14. I think its that year that you discover yourself. That time alone when you decide what you really like, who you are, what you enjoy.

    That walk alone on a fall day with leaves rustling around in a slight breeze, when you take a deep breath and become in love with the world and your place in it. Thats when you can be someone special to  someone else because you know who you are and don't have to depend on someone else to tell you how you feel.

  15. No it gets much better. That would be pretty sad if you had the best year of your life at 18 then spent the rest of your life wishing you were back there.

  16. For me it was around age 30.

  17. when a person are still teen agers...

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