
Which is the most important job, Being a VP of the USA. Are being a full time mom to a Down Syndrome child?

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Oh yes the money will be no option for the care of the child. But can a nanny take the place of the mom for this valuable little darling?




  1. So, as an Obama supporter (I am assuming you are, please correct me if I am wrong) You are saying this woman cannot do it all?  That we have to choose between our children and having a fulfilling career?  Are you taking a step back in women's rights?

  2. You are a say women can't have a career and raise a family?  How about Michelle and old Nutso-coo-coo.  Putting those kids under the religious influence of the Rev. Wright?

    You REALLY ought to be ashamed of yourself, you have hit rock hard bottom on the human scale.

  3. Why can't a father be a full-time dad in your paradigm?

  4. My heart is crying for this poor baby! How can she make the decision to go off campaigning while her 3 month old is at home without it's mother? This is sad. AND TRUE

  5. Being a full time mum - the child needs care from its mother, not other people taking over

  6. I applaud her for putting her country first, ahead of the needs of her four-month-old baby with down syndrome. It doesn't matter because Palin  will just be a trophy VP, anyway. Like Dan Quayle, she won't actually be expected to do anything.

  7. i agree. women should stay home and stay out of politics.  

  8. Palin is strong and smart enough to do both.  She's the governor of Alaska and she's taking care of her child just fine.  Don't judge.

  9. VP of the USA.

  10. Why can't she do both? Why do you hate women leaders?

  11. Apparently her 80% approval rating in Alaska shows that she can manage her responsibilities at home and at work just fine.

    You see, liberals aren't used to people who actually pick themselves up by their own boot straps and do something for themselves.

    The liberals and Obots just know how to hold their hands out and demand the government give things and do things for them.

    The Palin family is an example of what a hard working American famliy can'll be a good example for all to see.

    McCain/Palin '08

  12. Jeeezus, just when I think you O-bots cant sink any lower..............

  13. Many women have careers and children - it's pretty much the norm in this country.  If you didn't notice, most of her children are older, and they can probably help take care of the baby too, and I imagine there are grandparents, and even a father.  The child will not go neglected.  My brother and his wife have a nanny, but they spend tons of quality time with their kids and their children are very very happy kids.  No harm done here.  


  14. Obviously, Sarah Pain thinks the VP job is. It sure would be different having a baby playpen in the VP's office. But I think a  woman with children can do the job as well as a man with children can. However, I felt sorry for her kids during the announcement because they all looked very unhappy to be there on the stage with her. Image growing up in beautiful Alaska and having to move to Washington

  15. This woman has proven that she can do it all.  

  16. Honestly, I think being Vice President of the United States of America is more important. Don't get me too wrong here, I think all good parents of children with mental and/or physical disorders are saints. I'm answering this question in terms of effectiveness. A US VP can influence millions of people, whereas a mother mostly influences her own child. I am not belittling DS or motherhood. I'm just speaking statistics.

    Edit: I didn't catch on that you were asking a specific question about a candidates life. I want to point out that my response is nonpartisan and has nothing to do with this campaign.

  17. The job of president is far more demanding than vice president.  It seem that Obama has decided to not fullfil his responsibiblity as a father while lecturing black people.

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