
Which is the most low maintenance breed?

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As in needs least excersize etc. Only answer with a breed name and the reason, if you are not going to do this then don't answer at all. To the people who put something like 'A stuffed dog', 'a cat' or 'no breed is low maintenance', just don't put it, because I actually couldn't care less what you say.




  1. You don't want to hear my answer.

    A stuffed one.

    No breed is low maintenance.

    Sorry, that's the truth.

  2. This is an awesome site that tells you some low maintenance breeds and why they are low maintenance. it also says what kind of lifestyle they would be good for, hope this helps.

  3. we had westies and they were great9we dint have them at the same time)

    they are quite small, don't moult (although this does mean a trip 2 the clippers every 6months or so).

    they were loving and easy to look after, i defo recommend the breed. cute 2 lol.

    oh full name is west highland white terrier xxxx

  4. Dont get a Vizsla as we need loads and loads of exercise :-)

  5. i would say a small breed like a yorkshire terrier or something cos they will not need alot of exercise. hope this helps.

  6. I think that no matter what breed you get the most important thing is to make sure they get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, this will help them from getting into things and eating them or destroying them.

    Now if you are looking for a dog that is low maintenance as far as physical care go with a shorthaired breed. I would recommend a boxer becuase they have short hair, aren't picky eaters and are pretty self entertained. However, boxer breeds are extremely high energy especially as puppies so you need take time to train acceptable behavior.

    Go to your local shelter and see for yourself which animal may be suited for you. Read this short article to help determine what may be right for you. Good Luck!

  7. my pit is pretty easy going with whatever u throw at her


    Add: Thanks for the thumbs down. These are breed selector quizzes. We don't know what breed you need. ALL dogs need exercise. All dogs need to be groomed. All dogs have to go to the vet. All dogs need to be fed a quality diet. As Basset said, there is no low maintenance dog.

  9. I had a toy phantom poodle for 9 years, and my "little man Kacey" was the best dog that ever could have picked me.  He was loyal, incredibly loving, smart, patient, and didn't require a lot of care.  He loved to be taken outside, but he did not require heavy exercise.  He did not shed, but did require a haircut about every other month and a bath at least every other week. He was content just to be with the people he loved.  He did require frequent belly rubs. I lost him over the weekend, and I will forever miss him, but if I were to get another dog in the future, a poodle would be the way I would go.  Here is to my "Little Man" who brought joy to everyone he knew!

  10. To be honest I say a rat or fox terrier no hair cuts and no hair to brush and they are easy to clean up after! But they shed! A poodle needs groomed and hair cuts but dont shed!  

  11. hi i have a parsons jack russell. they don't often get anything wrong with them, so no vets. they are average exercise and they need low amounts of grooming.

    they don't eat too much as they are only little. hope you find the perfect low maintenance dog but i hope you realise that having any pet does take time and commitment and even a jack russell needs some maintenance

  12. A mongral or a crossed breed. At least then they dont need specialist care.

    But all dog's need exercise!

  13. Hi i think a greyhound i had 3  retied they were great as long as you take them for a walk and let them play outside you don't have to take them for long walks they are good with children ( i had 2) and love the attention

  14. Yorkshire Terrier -  a small run around the park tends to make them sleep the rest of the day, & thats even as a puppy :)


  15. we have a whippet she not bothered if she goes out or not but can just chill out at home, we take her down to the beach at weekends or just road walk her they can adapt to any lifestyle & don,t need a haircut & are mad as a brush just like to run with other dogs.

  16. British Bulldogs dont care if they go out or not - look them up on the web.  Ours goes out with our other dogs but lies on her sofa if not.  Dont take them out in the heat of the day as they dont cope well with hot weather.  Web says 10 mins excercise a day will do

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