
Which is the most popular sport, Football(soccer) or Basketball?

by Guest32173  |  earlier

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Which is the most popular sport, Football(soccer) or Basketball?




  1. soccer will be the most popular cause is international sport next will be basketball, then USA football then baseball

  2. In INDIA it is foot ball compared to basket ball but in American countries it is basket ball and in Europe,UK and Asia it is foot ball.

    Over all football is more popular.

  3. Depends...

    soccer is globally the most followed sport.

    football (american) has a huge fanbase which is spreading with efforts from the NFL to other countries.

    Basketball too has a big following worldwide.

    GOOD question.

  4. i think basketball is more popular

  5. The most popular sport is Soccer(Football) and has an

    audience of over 2 billion fans all over the world. Even it is

    followed in countries such as US and Canada where soccer

    is not that popular compared to other games.

    All countries from Asian, African, European, S.Americans,

    Central Americans, most parts of N America soccer is followed

    and watched. This is very true when the world cup and other

    major soccer events.

    Basketball has lower audience in the entire world - but has a

    larger audience in N America than any other country.

  6. Well this is bloody cricket so i don't give a stuff weather wog ball or basketball is more here it's cricket that is popular..

  7. ummm, thats hard but the most watched sprot in the USA is football and the most popular would be basketball. But the other answers are good too, soccer moves people all areound the world i would have to agree.

  8. soccer fer sure....its fans go over 1 billion ppl

  9. Footbal, Soccer, or Basketball?? u ask.

    i think all these sports are preety good. They kind of Balance to me. ")

    FOR ME.......first Football, soccer, basketball

  10. Football... i prefer american football... because Chad M Murray plays it...

  11. football

  12. Soccer. It moves millions of people all over the world.

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