
Which is the most populous Palestinian city?

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Which is the most populous Palestinian city?




  1. A bit of history would help in this case.

    There is no age-old Palestinian people.  Most so-called Palestinians are relative newcomers to the Land of Israel.

    Like a mantra, Arabs repeatedly claim that the Palestinians are a native people.  The concept of a 'Stateless Palestinian people' is not based on fact.  It is a fabrication.

    Palestinian Arabs cast themselves as a native people in "Palestine" -- like the Aborigines in Australia or Native Americans in America.  They portray the Jews as European imperialists and colonizers.  This is simply untrue.

    Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century to the turn of the 20th, the area called Palestine was a God-forsaken backwash that belonged to the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey.

    The land's fragile ecology had been laid waste in the wake of the Arabs' 7th-century conquest.  In 1799, the population was at it lowest and estimated to be no more than 250,000 to 300,000 inhabitants in all the land.

    At the turn of the 20th century, the Arab population west of the Jordan River (today, Israel and the West Bank) was about half a million inhabitants and east of the Jordan River perhaps 200,000.

    The collapse of the agricultural system with the influx of nomadic tribes after the Arab conquest that created malarial swamps and denuded the ancient terrace system eroding the soil, was coupled by a tyrannous regime, a crippling tax system and absentee landowners that further decimated the population.  

    Much of the indigenous population had long since migrated or disappeared.  Very few Jews or Arabs lived in the region before the arrival of the first Zionists in the 1880s and most of those that did lived in abject poverty.

    Most Arabs living west of the Jordan River in Israel, the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza are newcomers who came from surrounding Arab lands after the turn of the 20th century because they were attracted to the relative economic prosperity brought about by the Zionist Movement and the British in the 1920s and 1930s.

    This is substantiated by eyewitness reports of a deserted country -- including 18th-century reports from the British archaeologist Thomas Shaw, French author and historian Count Constantine Volney (Travels through Syria and Egypt, 1798); the mid-19th-century writings of Alphonse de Lamartine (Recollections of the East, 1835); Mark Twain (Innocents Abroad, 1867); and reports from the British Consul in Jerusalem (1857) that were sent back to London.

    The answer to the question is that Los Angeles is the most populous Palestinian city.


  2. there is no place or country named palestine, google it and you will see...

    there is however a very nice country, for the last 60  years which is named israel.

    the most populous city is tel aviv

  3. 1)  New-York

    2)  Los-Angeles

    3)  Detroit

    All these cities have a sizeable Arab population.

  4. in israel there still live arab which are palestinian and there are alot of arab villages especially in northen israel : go to ''kfar-yassif'' or ''kfar rama''  

  5. Nablus, since Jerusalem is now mainly part of Israel

  6. Amman jordan

  7. some of you people are Rediculious!

    its like you forget History!

    i actually feel bad for you people!

  8. either jerusalem or gaza city

  9. I think its Ramallah or Gaza

  10. There is a Palestine in Indiana, USA.  It lies next door to Indianapolis.  So I guess the most populous city would be Indianapolis.

  11. Gaza

  12. Ramallah

  13. I checked on a map.  There is no Palestine and no Palestinian cities.

    So I guess the answer is Palestine, Texas.


  14. Gaza City,I'm pretty sure. Thanks to ethnic cleansing in 1948.

    I don't know what maps or books jews use,but in the U.S. travel books say "Israel/Palestinian Territories" and maps usually do also,depending on ownership of the company. You can easily google up "Palestinian Territories". Or the various UN resolutions ordering the zionists to get out. I can't imagine why this entity has not been  booted out of the UN. They have no legal status whatsover but for a 1948 UN resolution and they are in violation of more than 200 UN rulings. I don't consider it a legitimate "country" at all; I think all of Mandate Palestine belongs to the people of Palestine.

  15. The most populated city in Jordanstine is probably Amman.

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