
Which is the most powerful country in the world? ?

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i mean top3,

The United States

and ??




  1. United States




  2. Japan, and then the western European nations are all very close economically and then Canada

    Militarily it would be US, China, Russia

  3. usa

  4. USA



  5. United States Soviet Union and China

  6. As long as the United State of America serves the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son Is Jesus the Christ, the USA will be the most powerful nation, but when America forgets who her God is as did Israel back in ancient times, then our nation will lose its power.  Read Jeremiah 5 because God always tells it like it is.

  7. chinaaaa

  8. Ukraine, Australia and Greenland... but if I roll enough fives and sixes that will all change.  

  9. Boy, that's a tough question.  I think it depends on how you define powerful.  Economically, China is the most powerful nation on Earth.  Japan is also up there.  If you count Europe as a commonwealth (the EU), it's up there.  Otherwise, the US would be there, but it's actually weakening every day due to the massive deficit and the borrowing it's doing.

    Militarily, I'd say that's also a tough one.  If the US were to fully mobilize for war, it could quickly be the #1 power, but politically there's no will to do so.  Russia has built up a devastating military, and has the will to use it (the similarities to Germany post WWI are unsettling.)  China and India have massive reserves of people to pull from, but their technology is less advanced.  Again, if you consider the EU as an entity, I think that it's in the top 3.

    Morally?  I'd say some of the European nations lead the world on morality today.  The US is not even in the top 50 so far as I'm concerned.  Neither is China or Russia, though.  Maybe Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

    Technologically?  The US, Japan and Germany or Sweden.

  10. this is a hard one..

    I would say

    russia, china and america  

  11. I think it depends on how you define power - military might, wealth, etc.

    China is very powerful; the USA could not exist at present standards without the inports and exports of that country.

    Of course, the US is also oil dependent on other countries, so that weakens us.

    That's a tough one. I'll be interested in seeing the responses you get.

  12. China. They have us eating out of the palm of their hands.

  13. USA, China, Russia.

    Russia and China are interchangeable.

  14. paris


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