
Which is the most rabid femmunist on GWS?

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Doggie: just wag your tail if you think it's Tracey ;-)

it takes a lot for me to block someone, and right now she is the only one on my blocked list




  1. john

  2. I do not thank it is good to ask folks to name some one or call them out to put them into a spot such as you are doing. We all have are opinions and the so called rabid fem as you call it has every right to do so as do you.

  3. I think there is more to people than gender. I like good men and women more than evil men and women.

    Feminists and mysogynists need help.

  4. And your definition of "rabid" is one who doesn't put up with drivel from sad little lonely trolls who hate women?

    Proud to be rabid then. Enjoy your misery.

    Oh, and like the fact that you're so "brave" that you call me out by name then block my account. This is my "troll bait" account for just such cowards as you. Go ahead...block it too. Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

  5. It would be in violation of guidelines to provide a username, thus I can't provide this reference, my apologies.

    EDIT:  Undeniably, the bounty of advancements of any practical significance to humanity were made by men, with a few notable exceptions (none whom regarded themselves as "feminists"), in virtually all the Natural Sciences, e.g. Mathematics, Medicine, and "social sciences" as well, particulaly during the past 2 centuries.

    Most notworthy, in my opinion, were the labours the T. Alva Edison, Tesla, A. Volta, N. Bohr, A. Einstein, I. Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, Drs. J. Salk & Sabin, Dr. M. Debakey, Dr. Jarvik, Dr. B. Marshall, Drs. J Watson, F Crick, Drs. P Lauterbur and P Mansfield, D. Kopans, Dr. Stavros, etc.


    ADDENDUM:  Tail has been wagged.

    -End of Dictation.

  6. And who gave birth to all of those men?.......Women

    Let's face it guys, women are not the enemy.  Can't we all just get along?

  7. mystery meat-  Where have you been!?  Welcome back!

    Well I think the most rabid "femmunist" is probably the only one on here that I would consider "rabid"- or otherwise hateful and promoting hate rather than trying to benefit society.

  8. I am.

    You better get used to it, too, sonny.

  9. I bet certain men and women wanted to name me....

  10. it is very obvious, that there are some here that NEVER leave the keyboard, how that is achieved we all wonder

    the question is why?

    it is probable that more than one person is operating under the same name

    the question is why?

    they are here for a heightened purpose, evidence shows that they are only interested in spreading HATE

    there are quite a few hardcore ones that comes to mind

    it is obvious that they are organised


    I think it is wrong to assume that such "persons" are in fact, WOMEN because of a NAME used, some of them operate like computer programs......

    this needs analysing

  11. what's a femmunist?  is it similar to a feminist?

    mmmm.... i see.  yet another question designed only to allow whiny individuals to take cheap shots at... the literate.  kisses babe.

  12. You mean femmunists carry rabies on top of everything else? Do they foam at the mouth too?

  13. Okay, you go and compile a top ten of horrible women for the idiots who consume this type of nonsense and then it's out of your system.

    And just for the record, even though I am not a feminist I am a solid Marxist and we're coming to getcha!

  14. Someone who loves power so much as to put advancement over their own children, innocent fathers and their own country.

  15. If a femmunist is a left-wing feminist, then as a democratic socialist I hope you will consider nominating me ;)

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