
Which is the place I would meet the best Muslims? Any town in any country?

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Which is the place I would meet the best Muslims? Any town in any country?




  1. Go to a nearby mosque in your town in your country.

  2. Your guess is as good as mine.  

  3. they are everywhere,alhamdulillah

  4. There are "good and bad" everywhere but I would think Medina (the city of the Prophet (saw). It (The Medina) purifies men just as fire removes the alloy of iron”.

  5. good Muslims are everywhere, not just in one town or country. I lived in houston, tx. and there were alot of good Muslims there Mashallah.  

  6. Go to Qom, Iran................... =)

  7. Anywhere really, it doesn't matter which country they are in.

    Saudi Arabia is where you will probably find the most devoted Muslims in one place at Hajj or Umrah. I definetly saw some very good Muslims there which i wish i had taken their numbers. It's an obvious place and a place where most of the Muslsim there are friendly and helpful etc.

  8. My dear friend salam for you.Any where you can find best muslims especially at the mosque or islamic center.If you have enough time and money it is better if you go for umrah during ramadan to Medina and Mecca in Saudi Arabia for 1 week or 2 weeks. You can meet the best muslims there from around the world who made umrah too. .In Mecca you can see the beautiful Kabaa and mesjiddil haram,pray and tawaf in side and make sai. and also drink zam zam water.Your dua in multazam will be permitted by Allah and you will get biggest rewards.(100 000 times than at your mosque at home).In  Medina at the big and beautiful mesjid Nabawi  you can pray and make a dua too at raudah which will be blessed by Allah.You can make a ziarah to Uhud hill there and see the grave of syahid persons.(islamic heroes).Praying at Nabawi  you will get 10.000 rewards.You religious journey will be fruitfull for your life.

  9. LOl @ p**i Chap I never see any in Leeds!!

  10. What are the best muslims? The most devoted? The nicest? The strongest and fastest? I don't get it.  

  11. yo sup

    here in america i do know some real cool muslim dudes and they are my buddies.i guess u can try NYC .

    EDIT:to those folks who say saudis have the best muslims, i would rather say best radicals and hypocrites.

    peace out!@

  12. All places have good and bad Muslims, you just need to asl Allah for guidence you'll surely recieve a reply from Him!


  13. You'll meet good and bad Muslims everywhere. For me, I find that the best Muslims are indeed Saudis.

    Thumb me down if you want. If you've lived here, you know how god-fearing these people are. May Allah bless them.

  14. I live in the united kingdom and i have to say there are loads of lovely muslims round here but ther'e nice muslim brothas and sistas all over the globe....inshallah u come across some and trust me their hospitality is first class Lol

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