
Which is the top site to advertise my business?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike lam happy to pay for adverts if l get the traffic back, free sites also welcome




  1. If you are paying for advertising you need to look for the site that is going to have the most traffic related to searches for your product.  Right now Google is the dominant leader in this.  You can set up a Pay Per Click (PPC) program with them through Adwords.  You can set the time of day, days of the week and maximum you want to pay per click and per day.  Experiment with different ad text.  Refine it until you find which words and phrases get you the best click through rate.  

    I urge caution.  It is an easy way to loose a lot of money in a very big hurry.  Set you daily limit and stick with it.

    You would be best served to have a Search Engine Optimization program going on to increase the visibility of your website to supplement the PPC ads.  If your market or business volume goes down, being on the first page of natural search results is a lot cheaper than paying for advertising hoping that the business will come in.

  2. try: you should expect a lot of clicks if pay for the homepage listing and also it will help your page rank increase. good luck!

  3. Powerful Best Free Classifieds Ads Website with a lot of affiliates ad site.

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