
Which is the top ten tallest building in the world and where they are situtade?

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Which is the top ten tallest building in the world and where they are situtade?




  1. Central Plaza, Hong Kong

  2. yes this are.

    but a new building is under construction at Dubai(uae).

    which is going to be tallest.

  3. See websites below for lists of the buildings and where they are situated.

  4. These are the 10 tallest completed buildings in the world. There are other building that are still under construction (such as the Burj Dubai and the Freedom Tower) that may be taller than those listed once they are completed.

    1) Taipei 101 - Taipei, Taiwan

    2) Petronas Towers - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    3) Sears Tower - Chicago, USA

    4) Jin Mao Building - Shanghai, China

    5) Two International Finance Centre - Hong Kong, China

    6) CITIC Plaza - Guanzhou, China

    7) Shun Hing Square - Shenzen, China

    8) Empire State Building - New York, USA

    9) Central Plaza - Hong Kong, China

    10) Bank of China Tower - Hong Kong, China

  5. hi,

    rank    name           city,Country      built-year             #storey  Ht. (in mtrs)   (in feets)


    1.    Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan 2004 101 508 1,667

    2. Petronas Tower 1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1998 88 452 1,483

    3. Petronas Tower 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1998 88 452 1,483

    4. Sears Tower, Chicago 1974 110       442 1,451

    5. Jin Mao Building, Shanghai 1999 88 421 1,381

    6. Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong 2003 88 415 1,362

    7. CITIC Plaza, Guangzhou, China 1996 80 391 1,283

    8. Shun Hing Square, Shenzhen, China 1996 69 384 1,260

    9. Empire State Building, New York 1931 102 381 1,250

    10. Central Plaza, Hong Kong 1992 78 374 1,227

  6. 1. Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan (2004, 509m, 1,670 ft.)

        2. Petronas Tower 1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1998, 452 m, 1,483 ft.)

        3. Petronas Tower 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1998, 452m, 1,483 ft.)

        4. Sears Tower, Chicago, IL USA (1974, 442m, 1,450 ft.)

        5. Jin Mao Building, Shanghai, China (1999, 421m, 1,380 ft.)

        6. Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong (2003, 415m, 1,362 ft.)

        7. CITIC Plaza, Guangzhou, China (1996, 391m, 1,283 ft.)

        8. Shun Hing Square, Shenzhen, China (1996, 384m, 1,260 ft.)

        9. Empire State Building, New York (1931, 381m, 1,250 ft.)

      10. Central Plaza, Hong Kong (1992, 374m, 1,227 ft.)

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