
Which is the worst newspaper in Britain and why?

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Which is the worst newspaper in Britain and why?




  1. The Daily Mail has to be a contender but The Herald's relentless bias put me off it as well.  Pity I used to like its objectivism.

  2. all of them because they do not print full factual stories

  3. Daily Mail.

  4. All the ones that come off the press.They all spout the same cp@p,to gain readers,money.

  5. The Sport - contains hardly any Sport and lots of soft pron.

  6. News of the world

  7. The Guardian, left wing, garbage

  8. "The Voice of Freedom" published by the British National Party.It is fascist and publishes more racist propaganda than the Daily Mail - if that is possible.

  9. The one I like most because it is so bad has to be the Daily Scare (Mail) I just know one week they be saying how awful it is that some person has got cellulose and few weeks on about how bad it is that women care about it. Everything they say they contradict themselves a few weeks later.

  10. The Daily ( unbiased, fact filled & not full of self opinionated bullshit ) Mail followed closely by The ( comic ) Sun.

  11. hmm it's a toss up between the Daily Mail and the Sun. Racist bigotry or Yobbery, I just cant decide

  12. The Guardian for it's New Age Loony Left nonsense.

    and The Daily Star for being even worse than The Sun.

    EDIT: Wooooo.... looks like I touched a nerve with all you Lefties.

  13. I think the Daily Mail. Because they pretend that rumours and stories  are the same as facts. And they still seem to think they are a quality newspaper! Or the Daily Express (I don't believe they are the 'world's greatest newspaper' which is what they write on their front page).

  14. All of 'em, because the print comes off.

  15. Guardian/Observer - they can't bring themselves to criticise this Government even though Labour is making our lives increasingly miserable.

    Possibly the Telegraph guilty of this in the past with the Tories, but I think these 'sister' papers are wrong in their defence.

    All in all, I find their journalism leaning too far in one direction politically and this ruins some of their good articles.

  16. the sport.

    its not a newspaper, its a comic

  17. Sun or News of the world. They both pander to the whims of everything I hate about society, such as people who are celebrity obsessed reality TV watcher chavs. It's as if they exist to branwash the idiots of this world to believe in everything that will keep them scum.

  18. Any of the "red tops" really.

    As to why - the word newspaper would imply that they will have actual news in them. The red tops merely have rantings loosely based upon the news.

  19. The Sun and The News of The World. Every item is OTT one sided rubbish !!!!!!!!!

  20. The Daily Star. p**n AND biased, sh1tty reporting!!

    The Sun is almost as bad. Its very informal and has good features and stories; thats why I like it. But on the other hand, the reporting is always pro- UK and US and I think most of its articles have a racist/ bigoted slant

  21. News of the World- its full of strippers

  22. Don't know...gave up reading them years ago.

    They're all biased and each report from their own biased angle.

  23. Sun, it's full of Rubbish

  24. The Guardian. It is the 'left wingers' bible. Fortunately, it doesn't have much of a circulation. It nearly always makes a loss. However, it continues with its wretched life because its deficits are funded by the 'Scott Trust'. This is a trust set up by a misguided philanthropic 'lefty' to keep this friend of the current Government rolling out its propaganda.

  25. yes i will admit that the sun and NOTW are total rubbish, however i do buy them, usually at the weekends, simply for a free tv guide and jeremy clarksons column.. dear dedrie also provides a cheap laugh. honestly no paper is any better than the other, they each have their seperate agendas and the tabloids are always on the latest campaign bandwagon.

  26. Daily Mirror - so bitter and twisted and sad!!  It is a wonder people do not commit suicide after reading it!!

  27. I can't bare any of them.  They all rant about something, shoving their views down my throat.

    I think the Sun/New of the World is the worst though - who cares which football players slept with which model?  How is that news?

  28. I'd say the Daily Mail.  Usually, they print an outrageous headline and story, with the last sentence confirming that it's utter cobblers.

    This paper also sympathised with the n***s, supporting Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s.

  29. It's a tough choice.  The Daily Mail is a good candidate for the way it makes people fear and hate everything around them, but I'd go for The Sun - paper which celebrates ignorance and spits at anyone who disagrees with them.  It is the tabloid equivalent of the beer-bellied prick in union jack shorts that the rest of the world hates.

  30. The Guardian, Daily Mirror, Daily Express for sheer awfulness there is not much between them  

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