
Which is true Human evolution coming from primates or the BIble and Adam and Eve..??

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ike how does science and the bible prove which one is right??

because im very confused about evolution and how humans came from early primates.. but in the bible it dosent say anything about the early primates all it say was that adam and eve were the first man and woman on earth.. like where does the cavemen and dinosaurs come in to the bible.??

if im naive excuse me i just dont know very much about this situation




  1. You can believe either.  Both are faith based.  Trust me when I say that Science based on conjecture is a religion.

    According to many paleo anthropologist, we decended from a pre-ape. For some reason we started walking upright-sort of.  The earliest example is LUCY.  Then from there the upright positon gave us a new vantage point to see animals that want to eat us.  Those who stayed in the trees stayed ape like, but those aplike beings who refused to stay in the trees and walk upright got eaten.

    The new vantage point was an early warning and faster pace of travel.  Eating the scavenged meat gave us more energy and brain development.  It goes on untill cooking our food became a major break through.

    From the bible's perspective, God made Adam and Eve.  We cannot say for sure that they looked exactly like modern man- only a summation or paradym of what humans look like.  Later in Genesis, it said that the Sons of Gods took the daughters of Man.  This implies that We evolved as a hybrid of early (wo)man and Angels.  The tv show X files makes a premise that some people are a hybrid of human an ET. Perhaps they got this from the Bible.

    If you understand DNA testing and tracing family lineage, you can see for yourself the evolution is real.  It does not definively say that we evolved from pre-ape unless we can find the lineage from pre-ape dna all the way down to someone who is an decendant.

  2. According to Exodus 20:11, God created ALL things in Heaven and Earth in six days and that would include dinosaurs and ancient man...cavemen may have lived for a time after the global flood.

    The Bible does refer to several creatures which sound like dinosaurs....behemoth, leviathon, dragons, tanniyn, flying serpents, etc..

    Actually, population studies, using known and accepted mathematical formulas, show that the current global population of 6.5 billion people is about what you would expect if mankind originated around 4-6000 years ago in agreement with the Biblical account of creation and a re-population after a global flood around 4400 years ago. If the evolution model were true and mankind originated around 2-500,000 years ago, the current global population would exceed the number of atoms in the universe.....even using an origin of 25,000 years ago and the lowest reproductive rate ever seen, the current global population would still exceed 140 billion people. The numbers just don't add up for an evolution model.

  3. Evolution is a theory - Bible is a hypothesis

    The difference is:

    A theory is the best evaluation of all (well researched) facts

    A hypothesis does not even have to have a fact at it's base. It only needs to be mooted.

    The only people who do not accept evolution as fact are a very few undereducated people blinded to reality. They will make ridicules errors in their questioning of evolution, saying that we evolve from monkeys - untrue - we evolve from a common ancestor etc...

  4. Primates and humans, scientifically speaking, cannot have a common ancestor because they cannot reproduce with one another.

    It's easy to imagine an ape evolving into a human, but when it comes to the actual science behind it, this kind of an adaptation cannot be derived from general principles. And this is the requirement of normal science.

    When it comes to dinsoaurs:

    First of all, did you know that reptiles never stop growing? It's just a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life. They never stop until the day they die. Did you know that? Most people don't.Reptiles never stop growing.

    Now, back in the days of Adam and Eve up until the days of Noah, if you look at the geneologies you'll find that just about everyone lived about 900 years or more.Instead of dying at 80 or 90 like we do today, back then they died at 800 or 900. They lived about 10 times longer back then.

    Now think about it. If people lived 10 times longer back then, well it wouldn't just be people would it? More than likely it would be plants, animals, the whole ecosystem. If people lived 10 times longer, so would lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer, and reptiles never stop growing, then if they lived 10 times longer, then they would grow 10 times bigger.

    So instead of having a 3 foot long iguana like we have today, back then you'd have a...

    30 foot long iguana!

    One of the first dinosaurs ever found was called the iguanadon because of it's resemblance to the iguana. The man who found it said that it's skeleton looked just like the skeleton of the iguana except it was alot bigger. So he called it Iguanadon. Well, guess how big it was?

    30 feet! Iguanadon dinosaurs range anywhere from 27 to 30 to 33 feet on average.

    You see, according to the bible, reptiles and lizards would've gotten really really big back in the days of Noah

    Secondly, Creation Scientists suspect that dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago.This would mean that dinosaurs went extinct sometime within the history and memory of mankind. Evolutionists claim extinction was complete some 60 or 70 million years ago, based upon radiometric dating methods. However, Creation Scientists have found these dating methods to be very questionable and innacurate. For instance, new rock in the form of hardened lava flows produced estimated ages as great as 3 billion to 10.5 billion years, when they were actually less than 200 years old. Does that sound like an accurate age estimate to you? According to Science Magazine in 1984, shells from living snails were carbondated as being 27,000 years old. Does that sound like an accurate dating method to you?

    Thirdly, fossilization is a very rare and unusual occurance. Fossilization is not a slow gradual process that takes place over millions of years. According to the best available evidence, plants and animals cannot become fossils unless they are buried relatively quickly and deeply in the appropriate materials. Creation Scientists have found that the kind of conditions that would be most ideal for the massive fossil formations found in the sediments would be a violent, global flood catastrophe. Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment.

    Well, guess what? The bible talks about a flood like that. And it just so happens that that flood occurred in the days when reptiles and lizards would have gotten really big.

    So you see, when it comes to the fact that we are digging up gigantic reptiles and lizards up out of the ground, most of which are completely fossilized, does this somehow contradict the bible?

    Well, According to the bible it makes perfect sense!

    Dinosaur bones don't contradict the bible. They fit in just perfectly. The things that contradict the bible are the inaccurate "dating" methods. Well, if the Bible is truly accurate, then it SHOULD contradict our innacurate dating methods now shouldn't it?

  5. "Anyone worried about atheism should be more concerned about creationism...By saying that only one religious interpretation is correct and universal, creationism typically is a rejection of every other religious interpretation. For example, young-earth creationists reject the religious interpretation that the universe is more than 10,000 years old (Sarfati 2004), and design theorists reject the idea that God has guided evolution (Dembski 1996). For people whose beliefs about God differ from those of a creationist, that creationism might just as well be atheistic."

    There are thousands of creation narratives in the world and it's cultures. Can each be exactly right?

    Almost all the "which is right bible or evolution" questions assume it's an either/or issue. It's not. Neither does negative campaigning work, tossing mud and hoping enough sticks to an opponet to make your side "right."

    The creationist theories, based on the bible are many. Several also require evolution as a factor. If it's the "Adam and Eve" version, then one is locked in to 7 twenty-four hour days and a date of 4004BC. The date is based on Archbishop Ussher's dating of the bible.

    The creation theories, and they are only theories (love saying that) are:

    "Young Earth" Created by supernatural means 6-10,000 years ago

    "Old Earth" Earth is millions, not thousands of years old. This theory has several versions:

        "Gap" Earth is old but had fallen into decay. Life was begun on the old planet. This does address fossil evidence.

        "Progressive" God allows certain things natural selection and mutations to occur but will directly intervene as required.

        "Framework Interpretation" holds the Genesis account isn't literal but more represents the outline of how life came to be.

        "Day Age" Here it's held that "Day" can be thousands of millions of years. The world was crated in 6 "days" but it was over a very long time.

    "Theistic" AKA  "evolutionary creationism", creation is compatible with  scientific theory (evolution) as it is a tool used by God,

    " Literal" God created everything in 6 days right before 23 October  4004 BC. Everything in Genesis is correct and true.

    As you can see, the creationist position isn't one but manny. Keep that in mind as you read the responses.

  6. Human evolution from a common ancestor shared with modern primates is true and the bible is also true, but probably not in the way you have been told. The majority of the worlds Christians accept that evolution is correct.

    What the bible is NOT is an accurate scientific or historical document when it comes to describing pre-history. Genesis is mostly metaphorical (which is how Judaism has always interpreted it, and after all they wrote it) not literal.

    A literal reading of Genesis is falsified by a mountain of physical evidence against (radiometric dating, dendrochronolgy, varves, geologic layers, astrophysics to mention a few) and no evidence for.

    The opening parts of the bible won't say anything about a lot of science because the people at the birth of Judaism were bronze age semi-nomadic tribesmen who had no concept of these things and no use for them if they were told about them.

  7. It was neccessary for early man to lay down a law of a god and science has now becoming more of a religious belief and we may-still-come to a day when we arrive where the bible has stood and they may grow as one and the same.

  8. The Bible (A documentation of history dating back several thousand years) versus Charles Darwin (A man who made THEORY based on differences between different types of birds while traveling.)

    Ask an evolutionist exactly how old the earth really is. He will say something like 82 billion years. Ask another evolutionist, he will say like 15 trillion years. None of them have the same answer. Creationists say the earth is between 5,000 and 15,000 years old.

    There is way more evidence backing up Creation and the Bible than there is evolution. The classic argument is that most of the scientists today believe evolution. This is so false.

    I can go on for so long, but I would be really happy to speak with you. Please email me at

    Thanks for the question!

  9. The Bible...God created everything!

    I would recommend this book to read. It's by an atheist who turned Christian/believing in God, by looking at the scientific evidence of Christ. We read this in my Bible class senior year of High school.

    The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. I would also recommend "The case for faith" or "the case for a creator".

  10. We are so much into proving whether science or Bible is right. Infact, they are not opposing. I am a senior PhD student of molecular biology and a catholic. I see Bible as a code for a disciplined life. To love, cherish, grow and make piece with one another. On the otherhand, I believe in Evolution, not in Darwin's evolution.  

  11. The bible, as well as adam and eve, are never the right answer when it comes to the science of anthropology.

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