
Which is worse, BO giving Tony Rezko $14 million or Sarah Palin having a pregnant daughter?

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BO gave Tony Rezko $14 million dollars in tax payer money. Sarah Palin has a pregnant daughter. Where is the biased media in reporting BO's overt crimes?




  1. Good Question! You get star! Let see the dems squirm!

  2. You said it when you said "biased media."  Most Americans are smart enough to ignore the rantings of the lefty-wing propoganda machine.  The Obamabites, however, are not most Americans.  They are gossip-junkies that can't seem to get enough of the gutter news that brings the rest of the world down to their level.

  3. sorry Vicki...apparently the memo from the media and the radical left hasn't got into your hands yet...Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers and Jerry Wright are on the list of things you CAN'T mention (you'll be labelled as "out of touch" by the self appointed KGB of the BLA)...they'll say "this has been beaten to DEATH, months ago" (as if that changes the FACTS somehow)...

    on the other hand:

    the RNC, the President, John McCain's age and Sarah Palin's ENTIRE family is FAIR GAME...GO CRAZY!!!

    these people make me SICK!!!

  4. My answer is yes.

    Sarah Palin is the candidate of change.  

    Obama's record and association with radicals, terrorist, racist and anti-American leftist do not compare to Sarah Palin's record of CHANGE...

    Barack Hussein Obama:

    Traits/Positions for Consideration:

    -         Age, youthful and energetic

    -         A very charismatic evangelistic style speaker, can lull many people to a false sense of security, righteousness, and purpose that can lead to personal/economic disaster; ‘danger, danger Will Robinson’. Yet, as has been evidenced, when Obama is without a teleprompter his oration becomes jumbled and incoherent, what does this mean? And even at the convention he couldn’t offer up 1 accomplishment fitting of a Presidential Candidate! Furthermore after 2 years of campaigning for the DNC nomination, we still know nothing about the real Barrack Hussein Obama!

    What we do know is this:

    -         Inexperienced, only 143 days in Senate before becoming a candidate, otherwise no governmental experience (local, state or national), no foreign experience either personal or professional, apparently no common sense as illustrated by his continuing statements in the media that show this inability.   Senator Biden doesn't believe that Senator Obama is ready to serve as president. When asked about Senator Obama's lack of experience he said, "The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

    -         No service to country, military or otherwise, other than 143 days, would be an in-effective commander-in-chief of the military, lack of military knowledge will lead to potentially risky decisions.

    -         Against drilling for and development of domestic oil reserves, this will keep us dependent on foreign oil from countries of which many are not our friends

    -         A proponent of ethanol made from corn, which drives up foods cost and ethanol costs more per gallon, when you compare energy content, vs. gasoline. Ignores more viable fuel alternatives such as natural gas and the infinitely renewable hydrogen fuel, both of which are more environmentally friendly.

    -         Against development of our oil reserves to reduce level of dependency on foreign oil, he sponsored Senate Bill S.115, which would make it illegal to even perform exploration to evaluate our true oil reserves around out coastline.

    -         Pro-Taxation: will let tax cuts expire (which will impact everyone who pays taxes now), wants to increase taxes more, remove social security income cap, increase the tax on any inheritance you might get (even though that money has been taxed many times already), tax your IRA/401K/ROTH at a higher rate when you withdraw it and initiate other taxes to pay for $300 Billion++ in new entitlement programs added to current budget.

    -         Has stated will slash military spending incorrectly thinking that diplomacy will work (Israel and Palestine have been trying diplomacy for 50 years, observe the situation, there are many other examples) this will make America vulnerable to attacks from enemies and much less effective in the pursuit of world order and peace. He has already identified the military programs he’ll go after to cut.

    -         Has stated/written that he supports reparation payments to black Americans (ancestors of slaves) not necessarily in cash but in federal programs that favors black Americans (ignoring all other ethnic groups?), indirect payments such as free tuition, healthcare, jobs programs, etc. This is paid for by our tax dollars! We already have this in Washington, D.C.; observe how inefficient our federal government is.

    -         Questionable or unknown impact of relationships and influences from radical, anti-American persons/groups, which he has had lengthy relationships, such as: Rev Jeremiah Wright (Obama family radical pastor), William Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn (of the Weathermen, domestic terrorists, founded in 1969, an American radical left organization, helped kit off Obama’s initial senate race), Frank Marshall Davis (professed communists & suspected of un-American activities with the Soviets), Stokley Carmichael (a Marxist revolutionist), Tony Rezko (convicted influence peddler), Rashid Khalidi (pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli), and there are more. How do they play into Obama’s plans?

    -         Foreign policy, naive as to the workings of the world, his statements are out of step with our allies and instep with our enemies, pull the troops home and let terrorists fester abroad will sooner or later make their way here

    -         Obama is “sold on himself”, egocentric, so he cannot see his shortcomings and inadequacies, this is not unusual for people in his position, but for him it’s a fetish and that would result in flippant decisions dangerous for America

    -         From his spoken words he would be soft on terrorists, he will talk to them

    -         Wants a National Healthcare System run by the Federal Gov that will be a sink hole for tax dollars and cost the taxpayers Billions of Dollars and lead to poor quality medical services. Universal healthcare has not worked in other countries that have it, do the research (Canada, U.K., France, Germany) and see I’m right. Creates large deficits, long lines at medial facilities and degrades treatment quality, as evidenced in the above-mentioned countries.

    -         Does not support the most readily available environmentally friendly power generation, nuclear power. Many other countries derive most of their electrical power from nuclear (France, Belgium, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary to name a few) and they recycle their nuclear waste, why can’t we

    -         Wants sweeping change (?), what is that, does anyone know, are you sure you want whatever Obama means by sweeping changes, I don’t like unknowns

    And of course with Obama comes 4 more years of having to see/hear from Nancy Pelosi

    Obama Notes:

    -         … Michelle Obama’s downbeat attitude on America, as expressed on several occasions, may well have it’s roots in their association with their minister Rev Jeremiah Wright who conducted the Obama’s wedding ceremony, baptized their daughters, and has been caught on video screaming “God D___ America”. It is difficult to swallow her views of America as a mean-spirited country from a woman who has been given so many opportunities and garnered a high economic status and standard of living. Is this who we want redoing the White House?

    Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Obama’s father who died when Obama was 24 years old, was a Harvard educated economists who adopted socialism and Marxist Doctrune as his prefered governmental model. He was a Nairobi bureaucrat advisor to the pro-Western Kenyan government and preached redistribution of wealth through taxation. His outspoken socialist mindset influenced Obama during his formative years. Writing in a 1965 scholarly paper, Obama’s late father slammed the administration of then President Jomo Kenyatta for moving the Third World country away from socialism toward capitalism. He chafed at the idea of relying on private investors, who earn “dividends” on their venture capital, to develop the country’s fledgling economy. He professed that he did not see why the government cannot tax to the extent necessary those who have more to fund social programs for those who have less.

  5. Once again your facts are WRONG - not even worth explaining it to you!

    ANSWER: having a pregnant 17 year old daughter - when the mother acts like the virgin police - is far WORSE!  

    What a good role model she will make - let's all make teen pregnancy acceptable - GET REAL!

  6. Sarah Palin taking 197 million of our our money in pork for her town of 6500 people!!!!

  7. The media has been negligent.  Had they done their job, BO would never have made it through the primaries.  

  8. A fundamentalist VP.

  9. Both do not look good.  

  10. Glad you are focusing on issues. Let's leave the pregnant daughter out of this.

    Bicker,'s so tiring.

    People, vote who you want to vote for.  But get the facts straight.

    Governor Palin is the subject of an ongoing ethics investigation probing charges that she fired the Alaskan Public Safety Commissioner when he refused to intervene in her sister's acrimonious divorce.  The case involves serious charges that Governor Palin ordered the Public Safety Commissioner to fire her sister's husband in the midst of what had become an unusually bitter divorce.  The pending investigation is casting a shadow of doubt over her viability for the Vice Presidential nomination.

    More allegations re: Governor Palin may involve her former membership in the Alaska Independence Party (AIP), an ultra-conservative state's rights group that advocates a vote on Alaskan secession from the United States.  In an ill-advised video issued earlier this year, Governor Palin sent a warm message of support to the separatist party.

    In 1997 while she was Mayor of Wasilla (pop. 5469) Palin eventually faced down a public call for her resignation after she fired the town's Chief of Police Irl Stambaugh and other department heads for failing to support her radical agenda.  She survived thestormy mayoralty to be elected governor of the state.

    Obama is not implicated in Rezko's alleged illegal activities. But Obama's name could surface in the trial, and the relationship between the two men—especially Rezko's part in Obama's purchase of a house—has become an issue in the campaign.

  11. No, what is worse is that Sarah Palin is associated with a corrupt "527" fundraising group for Senator Ted Stevens (who BTW is gong to jail for fraud and accepting bribes) and that Sarah Palin was also using the services of Steven Silver, Greenberg Traubrig lobbyists - who also had Jack Abrahmhoff as a client....So, Tony Rezko is nothing compared to Sarah Palin's associations with some corrupt politics...BTW she also accepted contributions from this "money scheme" while she was a politician in Alaska...

  12. There is a lot of taxpayers money riding on this election.

    There are a lot of fat cats that have a lot to lose. ($Billions)

    The fat life for some of them may be coming to an end.

    Vote for the HERO not the ....

  13. How dare you....  Questions about Obama's past dealings, his wife, their pastor, their associations, his voting record, his experience.....  are strictly off limits.

    The messiah has spoken

    (sarcasm intended)

  14. Yeah, the biased media is so annoying. What really sucks is that there are a real lot of idiots out there that do not know how to look past the biased media and do their own research.

  15. Sarah is GOP and hot.  She has my vote.

  16. No, it was the other way around. 5 years before Obama's candidacy for president and 3 years before Rezko's indictment he held a fundraiser for Obama's Senate campaign. Obama knew Rezko because he was appointed as his lawyer back in the 90s, by his then boss Alison Davis. Rezko also held a fundraiser for President Bush and at least 2 other republican governors.

    I don't know where you get the "tax payer money", because that's just bull. The money was from the people and businesses in the Chicago area, not somehow stolen from the treasury. Check your facts before you post such idiotic claims.

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