
Which is worse? A guy leaving a toilet seat up? Or a girl leaving it down?

by Guest10635  |  earlier

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  1. see this is a problem for the ages.  i say to eliminate the problem, let's stop having toilets altogether and go naturally anywhere.

  2. Isn't the normal position down?  If not, why have a seat.

  3. Men use the seat in the down position. Women never use it in the up position. Majority rules.

    If it bugs you, then live alone.

  4. be a sweetie and put down the seatie

  5. Are people so lazy that they cannot move the toilet seat before using it? Or is it just a nagging desire to make the other person life miserable?

  6. Neither.

    If it's up and you want it down then put it down. If it's down and you want it up then put it up.

    The toilet seat doesn't bite.

  7. Neither.  Look before you use the toilet.  Problem solved.

  8. The few times that I was in a rush, pulled down my pants, and planted my shiny heinie on the cold hard porcelain, I blamed myself not someone else.

    Look before you leap (or sit).

    There would be fewer problems if people thought before they pulled down their pants and did things.

  9. It would depend on what she leaves it down on.

  10. Definitely when men leave it up. There have been times I've gotten up in the middle of the night to whiz and have literally fallen into the toilet bowl because the seat was up and I wasn't fully awake to realize it. I have a husband and 3 can bet your bum that they heard about it the next day! LOL


    Seems official enough.. Hope it helps.


  12. doesn't matter

  13. depends on who you are and what happens next...

  14. A guy leaving it up.

    1. It's unsanitary. When you flush with the lid up, little poo poo and pee pee vapors become airbourne getting on everything, including you and your toothbrush.

    2. It's nasty to look at. No ones wants to see a gaping toilet bowl.

    3. The cat tries to drink out of the toilet when the lid is up.

    4. Most toilet uses occur with the seat down.

    5. Have you ever groggily walked into the bathroom at 3am and fallen into the toilet because you tried to seat and the lid was up?

  15. I would say the lid is the issue not the seat, but since you asked about the seat I would say it doesnt matter.

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