
Which is worse? Being in a place that is too loud or too quiet?

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  1. I think too loud would probably be worse most of the time....I am someone who tends to enjoy the quiet.

  2. too loud.  if i'm in a room that's so loud i can't talk to the person next to me, i hate it.

  3. Too loud babe!

  4. OK.. I have kids. What is this "too quiet" you speak of? LOL

  5. I can't stand too quiet!    People can actually hear what i'm saying, and I can hear what other people are saying!      That would actually........allow us to have a decent convsersation.  How awful would that be.

  6. too loud. it will harm your eardrums  and your sense of peace.

  7. Too Loud

  8. Too quiet. In a loud place you can always tell people to quiet down

  9. To quiet. Its stiff and uncomfortable.  

  10. To loud.

  11. Too loud is worse.  

  12. too quiet..cuz then ppl can hear wut im sayin..

  13. This depends entirely on the situation and if you are asking health-wise (as in hearing) or psychologically (as in peace of mind).

    Obviously being in a really loud place like a rock concert or working the tarmac at an airport can have detrimental effects on your hearing. But I enjoy rock concerts so I like being there.

    With that said, I grew up in a *large* family and it was always noisy. There was always something going on. So now that I'm older and out on my own I prefer peace and solitude. Which conflicts with the fact that I will quite often turn on the TV to one of those 24 hour news channels to just have some background noise. So what do I know? Heh!

    Overall though I would say that being in a place that is too loud is worse.

  14. to loud

  15. Too loud. I don't want to go deaf before my time.

  16. too quiet

  17. Too quiet. Then I can't let out a f**t without some one knowing it was me.

  18. Too loud.  I get a headache.

  19. Too quiet...then you have to keep your voice down all the time

  20. Too loud is physically painful, and for me personally, unbearable.

    Too quiet is impossible, I always have the sounds and voices in my head.

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