
Which is worse Black Ice or Slush?

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Which carries worse conditions for autoomobiles, Black Ice or Slush?




  1. Black ice for sure. You cannot see it and dont even now its there until you are sliding on it. Slush is just messy and wet. Not any more slippery than water.

  2. I would say Black Ice.

  3. Although slush makes the car dirty, black i ce can cause an accident.

  4. i say black ice cause its more slippery

  5. Wow, I can see this is one of those seriously deep questions that just eats away at you to no end, so much so that you're forced to post a question on Yahoo Answers because the question is such a profound, troublesome weight to bear on your own. Whew. Deep man, truly deep.

    Black ice is deadly, by the way, because you can't see it. If you're going too fast and you turn just right - slip - you're out of control. At least slush lets you know it's there and allows you to adjust your driving as necessary. A driver's ed instructor might tell you that they are equally dangerous.

  6. Black ice!!

  7. Any ice is worse than ant snow. The tires can get to the road surface in slush not ice.

  8. black ice kills.

  9. Black Ice - not doubt.

  10. Black Ice only because most people don't even see it until it's too late.

  11. Black ice is worst, less control on it, you can help keep your breaks dry in slush with light pedal pressure.

  12. Black Ice. Often, The driver cannot see the black ice and is more likely to slipp it. In addition, my school never closes when snow or slush is on the ground. It usually only closes when there is black ice on the ground.

  13. Black ice!

  14. black ice

  15. Black ice for sure cause you can't really see it, slush you know when your driving on it..Black ice can come out of nowhere

  16. black ice.

    slush will push you around a little, but you can still stop the car or turn it if you need to keep from hitting someone...

    black ice, i don't care how heavy your car is, or how light, or what tires, or if its 4wheel drive, or if you have ABS or traction control... you are not in control.

    all this "you never see black ice coming" is retarded... if the road was wet, and the air was cold, and there has not been enough sunlight to melt it, you can assume every single smooth spot is black ice... and even when you KNOW the road is covered in black ice, you are still not in full control of the vehicle... aka "out of control"

  17. both are bad

  18. Black Ice. Slush sucks to drive on and is dangerous but when you is slushy you know what the road conditions are (slushy) so you are prepared for the way to drive in it. Black ice is almost impossible to plan for because even when the weather channel warns of it, you can't tell where it is and when your tires will suddenly lose traction.

  19. black ice is defiantly the worst you canot see it wile driving

  20. Black ice because it doesn't appear to be ice, just a dark spot on the road

  21. The danger in these kinds of things is because they can be hard to prepare for HOWEVER....BLACK ICE IS WORSE because you do not know where it is or have any warning!!! Slush you can see, predict, avoid... which makes it much less dangerous

  22. blace ice - b/c you cant see it on the roads and it causes many accidents. ice is slicker than slush.

  23. black ice is more difficult to drive in. you don't know about it until you feel the car sliding usually.

  24. Black ice is bad no doubt about it . . .  the reason ice is so bad is becasue it is notorious for giving your tires little traction. It can be especially dangerous over bridges because this is where it tends to form most frequently . But as far as which is worse i would have to say slush is worse because it gives you far less traction than black ice does(mostly because it fills the treds on your tires giving you "0" traction at all, opposed to ice which gives you some traction becasue there is at least something to grip onto).

  25. Black ice, for sure.  Slush, though wet, can still give traction.  Black ice is simply no traction or very little traction at all.

  26. Black ice b/c you can't see it to prepare for it.  Slush is easily visible.

  27. No question -----   black ice far worse.

    The smooth surface of black ice offers no traction for your tire,  and nothing to interfere with sliding.   Slush is a combination of ice particles and water,  and the ice can offer a little friction as the particles roll under the tire like sand in a shoe.

  28. slush definetley

    check this question out;_ylt=Au2IA...

  29. Black Ice.  Slush gives way and is noticable.  Black Ice is straight out deadly!

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