
Which is worse: Close talkers or close standers?

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I hate my private space being invaded.




  1. I hate both but I would have to say close standers cause when someone is too close you'll say "is he trying to kiss me? if not, WHY THE h**l IS HE STANDING INFRONT OF MY FACE?"

  2. close talkers.

    its annoying.

  3. i'm just here to invade your privates

  4. Close talkers, cause you have their breath and spit on you  

  5. I actually like close standers when they are women and they rub their b***s against your arm.

  6. Close talkers,

  7. I like it when they (she) stand close to my, I would have to say close talkers

  8. my answer would depend entirely upon whether or not the person was an attractive female. if so, there simply is no such thing as "too close".

    if it was anyone not matching that description, i would say "step off, sucka!"

  9. A close talker is worse because someone who is standing too close to you is easier to move away from than someone who is trying to hold a conversation with you. At least if they're just standing by you its not rude to reposition yourself but when someone is trying to talk and their breath smells its so hard to be polite and back away without them following!

  10. close talkers cus they got stinky breath and spit icky yucky eew eww

  11. both and i hate people who try to second guess too.

  12. Aren't they both the same? Hate them but I'm not shy, I will let them know if they get in my space.  Simply stick your tongue out & lean towards their ear. They will back the fick up.

  13. i just tell them litterbox leftovers "your standing in my space toilet waste"

  14. I would say close talkers cuz it's a little bit of both...if they talk close to you then that means they must be standing close to you as well.  So it's double the torture!

  15. i hate close standers. i widen my stance and shift to one side so they seem further away...

  16. my old friend Preston was a close talker...

  17. close talkers.......actually both need to step back a few paces. I work with a guy like that. I finally told him to step the h**l back because he wouldn't take a hint. He actually got offended

  18. I'll "amen" ya on this one.  People who don't recognize boundaries and stand about 5-6 inches closer than they should; especially if you don't even know them!

    So, in short; if you're a dude, then don't talk or stand too close to me.  Women get a free ride (figuratively speaking), they can stand or talk too close.  No worries, really.

  19. Close standers I always think they're gonna rob me.

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