
Which is worse: Having to see something horrific for 5min or smelling something horrific for 5min?

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Which is worse: Having to see something horrific for 5min or smelling something horrific for 5min?




  1. You can close your eyes and not watch, but you can't move your head, if they're holding you down by your two ears. So the second is worse.

  2. I say seeing because I have a photographic memory.

  3. I would have to say I would rather smell something, since I smell my farts all day long, I am used to it.  

  4. smelling...I would gag!

  5. seeing, id have nightmares for months   :[

  6. Seeing it, cause it makes a much bigger impact on u when seeing with your eyes, as the vison stays in your memory much longer

  7. Smelling, I don't care what things look like, but if it stinks, I can't take it.  I'll barf.

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