
Which is worse Obama-Ayers, McCain-Keating, Bush-Lay?

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Which connection is worse:

Obama for serving for 3 years with William Ayers on a charitable board,

McCain for receiving donations from and possibly running interference for Charles Keating.

Bush for being in bed with Kenneth Lay.




  1. As outsiders we only know as much as each story tells. I would go with Bush, to McCain, to Obama. Each actual reason of the connection is what made me pick them in that order. Some people may know excons, but unless it was for something devious then I wouldn't worry.

  2. i have no idea i am only a student

  3. Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.

    They sat on a board together, but didn't plan anything violent or even plan anything to raise an eyebrow.

    The other 2 men (McCain and Bush) are extremely guilty of criminal activity. Just check the records. Both were already in powerful positions in politics. Of course the pinko-commie, liberal, marxist,  will get blamed, while the truely guilty criminal scumbags get elected to even more powerful positions.

  4. Lets see here.........

    Ayers is currently a professor, and while his actions are deplorable, they were also done when Ayers was in his twenties and during a period in the US that was ripe with political activism, some of it questionable.  Ayers has not been involved in any thing of that sort in a long time, not to mention his actions were related to a belief, one that I share, that this country is not perfect. In a personal sense, there are many things I did when I was younger that I regret, and of course none of them are any where near as serious as what Ayers did, but I still did them.

    The Keating Five Scandal and Enron were not only about nothing but money, but both Bush and McCain were far to old to have their actions considered youthful ignorance and stupidity. They were also elected officials. One would hope that elected public officials felt some obligation to serve the public instead of big corporations.

    Sadly none of this really matters to most in the far right. All you ever really hear is communist this, and terrorist that. Who cares that Obama was on a committee with Ayers while McCain and Bush were actively involved with their scandals. Certainly no one on the right.

  5. Obama is a Bolshevik, and his connection with Ayers proves it.  Because of McCain, I am switching from Republican to Democrat this November.  

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