
Which is worse? Talking to yourself, touching yourself or Excessively looking at yourself? ?

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As the person who have conversations with themselves, the person who masturbates everyday, or the one who stops in every mirror and have all kinds of pictures of themselves.




  1. Excessively looking at yourself. The other two have nothing wrong with them. Looking at yourself/taking pictures of yourself all day requires a person who's vain and has a huge ego.

  2. the third one.  

  3. i have conversations with myself, o do get very loney in my bedroom you know

  4. What an interesting question and the choices truly gets the mind going.  Most of it is a point of view and perspective of the person responding.

    1.  Now the old saying is:  it is ok to talk to yourself as long as you don't answer yourself.  To talk to self sometimes can be constructive in helping you organize, prioritize, and sometimes sound out what goals you may be trying to achieve.  I think to converse with self excessively without merit may be perceived worse than the other two as one looking at the talking bobbing head as a bit cuckoo

    2.  Ironically, for adult men to m********e regularly at least once a day is good for their prostrate health if they do not have sexual intercourse daily.  It minimizes their risk for prostrate cancer.  Now men can tell their significant ladies as to why a romp in the bed will be aiding in their longevity.  The connection of the glans promotes a "cleansing" of sorts.  If masturbation assists in helping avoid haphazardly being sexually active with a bunch of different people, then it may prevent unwanted STD issues.  However, to m********e excessively to the point it may interfere with daily productivity of life and could cause some swelling, soreness, and rawness to those sensitive areas.

    3.  Now it is good to have HEALTHY self esteem of image.  However, to have to look in every single mirror and an over abundance of self pictures is actually a sign of the opposite, which is low self esteem.  Many people mistake this ego as over confidence or outright snobbiness, but really it is just a bad case of insecurity.

    Therefore, after having gotten intimate with myself, I looked at my disheveled self to begin a vigorous conversation with myself to enable me to rationalize which of these questions I should merit as the "worse".

    I shall pick the constant mirror looking with too many pictures as I simply thought I was too sweaty looking in the mirror with my hair sticking out of my head in all kinds of Alfalfa hair-do angles and I ran out of wall space for the remainder of my pictures.

  5. The person that conversates with themselves. That is a habit that's very hard to get out of. The person who masturbates everyday just has too many hormones, and that's not really something that they can help. And the person vain person is just vain, and it gets just gets annoying, but you can deal with it.  

  6. Talking to yourself is kind of crazy!

    Masturbating is normal and I have no problem with people looking at themselves.

    But starting a conversation with yourself is creepy.

    Its okay to say some thing to yourself like"I forgot this thing" or something,but its kind of creepy when you talk to yourself like this...

    "Hi self how are you doing?"

    "I'm doing just fine self"

    "Thats great self"

    Kind of like that goblin from Lord Of The Rings,thats creepy.

    You get the point,right?

  7. I am not sure that you can call any of them excessive. They are all relative. Why are they in the "worse" category? The issue of good and evil becomes evident. Cultural implication arrise. They do not seem to harm no one.

  8. no.3, why look at something you can't change? or do they think themselves better than others- we all **** you know!!

  9. Excessively looking at yourself. Vanity. That's the worst of the group. Talking to yourself a lot in public may be weird, but it's not bad per se. Same with masturbating every day. Might be excessive, but if we're talking the teen years, which lots of us have been through, hormones and sexual desire does hit a peak there for many, especially guys.

    The excessively looking at oneself and having many pictures of oneself is the worst because it reflects an unhealthy ego. Quite often those who are so vain are also arrogant. Or, at least, ultra insecure. But, in my experience, such vanity comes with a superiority complex.

  10. Excessively looking at yourself; personally.

    Talking to yourself sometimes helps reason things out, there's nothing wrong with thinking out loud and it was actually the way scientists first began finally understanding things; when they speak about their analysis or reports or discoveries and what they aim to discover, and when they talk to themselves.

    Touching yourself is quite normal and nothing really wrong with it. It causes no bodily harm and is great for a ton of things in whatever sense.

    Nothing really comes out of looking at yourself all the time. Maybe it'll help discover something about you or the way you look but other than that, there's little that looking at yourself could do and it just tends to be a sign of vanity.

  11. Excessively looking at yourself!!!

    LOL!!! What an ego!!!  

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