
Which is worse: alcohol or marijuana? Why?

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Some people think drinking is more dangerous than smoking marijuana. Which one makes people more dangerous? Which is more harmful to the ingester's body? Is it a good thing that marijuana is illegal but alcohol is legal? What are your thoughts?




  1. they are both equally bad for your well-being and at any level both substances can lead to a serious injury, illness, and altimately death

  2. Alcohol, easily.

    Marijuana is used medically to ease pain and there have been ZERO recorded deaths in the world attributed to marijuana.

    But I'm sure you'll disagree with me anyway. Enjoy your damaged liver.

  3. In my opinion neither is bad. But alcohol does cause more death and it gives you a bad case of withdrawl. And once you get to be a heavy alcoholic it's way worse than smoking the ganja everyday.

  4. Alcohol is worse. Marijuana doesnt really do anything but get high..

    they just make that illegal because its like.. a plant and they know other people can grow it and sell it. they wont really make a business.

  5. I would never smoke marajuana. BUT I agree that it is less dangerous than alcohol.

    I see no real problem with drinking responsibly, but as we all know, that is impossible for some (most) people.  

  6. Okay, There has been NO ONE ever over dose on marijuana. People all the time every day, get alcohol poisoning. There are more alcohol related car accidents, When you're high on pot. You drive so slow 'cause you think the cops are every where. You're so paranoid. When you're drunk you are fearless, more acceptable to drive faster more carelessly. People may have though they were dieing when they where high, most of the time they just eat and go to sleep. Wake up perfectly fine. Sure it messes with your lungs so does smoking cigarettes, they're legal. Thus, I think Drinking is WAY worse than smoking pot.

  7. FROM personal experiences Id say Alcohol all the way is more dangerous because I know alot of people killed in drinking accidents and I know alot of people who are very angry and dangerous to be around while under the influence of Alcohol. Its also very dangerous and addicting..My grandfather is an alcoholic and never eats anymore, all he does is drink. Now Marijuana I know alot of people who use it and have never came across someone who gets angry and dangerous and destructive while under the influence of it. Everyone I know that smokes marijuana just have the munchies and are very very happy and calm to be around. Personally I think Alcohol should be illegal but it never will be because of the high demand for it and how many people are addicted to it in the world, But also Marijuana is getting dangerous these days to because alot of people who are growing it are either spiking it with other stuff such as Angel dust or are planting seeds that are laced and dont know it. So really both are dangerous, but id say alcohol is more dangerous.  

  8. To me alcohol is more dangerous, you really don't hear of people getting high and killing somebody. All you want to do is eat and sleep. Also alcohol can give you liver problems. I personally think marijuana should be legal...

  9. Well alcohol is probably more dangerous because when you here of accidents and killings it is commonly linked with the usage of alcohol. it changes your personality and can make you angry, depressed, or make you flat out stupid. if you consume to much of it you will vomit, not remember the next day, or do something you can regret for the rest of your life. you never hear people getting in accidents because you were high you would probably just drive a little bit slower. being high never changes your personality or mood. Im not saying its not bad for you though itdoes kill brain cells and you probably wouldnt be as smart as you were 5 years from when you first started smoking it

  10. Both are perfectly fine if used in moderation and no driving is involved.

    However if you take too much, Alcohol is WAY worse.

    I still can't figure out why Marijuana is illegal...

  11. alcohol way worse than marijuana. alcohol related deaths per are many when marijuana is 0.

  12. To Joe.. Those statements about smoking mary jane are false.

    Alcohol can lead to many more disruptive things, for instance, alcoholism, liver problems, Fetal alcohol syndrome, abuse, killings, and death.  

  13. well,don't take it both..that much better..

  14. "when i go to work i work all day, when i bring home muh hard earnd pay i spend my money on ol' mary jane."


    i just recently got my stomach pumped for over indulging on my southern comfort and other favorits. never in my life have i gone to the hospital or dac. for that matter for bud.

  15. Dont listen to the people that say Marijuana is less dangerous than alchohol. Marijuana is wayyyyyy dangerous. And to the dude that said there hasnt been any deaths linked to marijuana is crazy. Mary Jay will give lung cancer, heart problems, and damaged brain cells. Its 12x worst than a cig' and causes alot more problems..

    Remember this when toking up:

    1 joint= 1 full pack of cig's

  16. I think the only reason why alcohol is legal as to marijuana is because the government makes money off the taxes from both the company and the consumers as where marijuana can be easily grown straight to your own consumption.  Statistics showed for the most part that alcohol increases a persons drunken confidence while Marijuana decreases a persons physical ability.  I use to smoke in school on days where i had a test and I have always passed, though it did slow down my physical abilities it did highten my thinking. My dad also use to let me smoke at home because i did some good cleaning hahaha.

  17. It is impossible to die from marijuana. No one has ever died from marijuana. Im sorry, let me rephrase... it is possible to die from smoking 1/3 your body weight in 15 minutes. For the average american male this would be 55 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes. So... I guess it is possible?!  Drinking and driving kills 25,000 a year, overall 100,000 deaths occur per year from alcohol related fatalities, including alcohol poisening. So... unless you have a million dollars to spend on weed and the hugest bong I've ever seen... I'm going with alcohol is much worse!! PS Bob Marley died of toe cancer.  

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