
Which is worse for the economy?

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is it the fact hat most americans would rather live off the system than help it or is just the fact that the bush administration is just that bad i heard he thought about vetoing a bill that would help families fighting forclosure as my mom has 30 days to pay 18,000 or were out on the street and my grandmother has to go into a nursing home i just wana know who i should blame and be more mad at




  1. blame your mom for not paying the bills...she should have gone to college and not had kids before she could afford it

  2. I think both contribute to a huge problem that is caused by many different factors. So many people are struggling- the only ones not strugging are the ones getting that guranteed check from the govt every month, cheap govt owned housing, food stamps and free medical care- if you need one of those programs, then fine.. but it's the people who have them all that get me..

  3. The problem really is the amount of credit this country relies on to stimulate growth. Everywhere you turn, they make it easy for you to get credit. What people don't realize is that eventually the $$ needs to be repayed some other way besides more credit. People who really can't afford something still go ahead and buy it because they figure they have enoogh time to repay it if they pay the minimum balance. I only use credit in an emergency or if I've saved that much money in the bank to paay off the balance on the next statement. Otherwise the interest just adds up and it's hard to pay it down. Also, the real estate collapse is what has caused a ripple effect across the economy collapsing banks.Many people either were lied to or themselves lied to get a mortgage and now you are seeing the results of that with all the forclosures and bankruptcies. I think people would rather live off the system to a certain extent because then they can always try to blame someone else for their poor choices and hardships. America needs to wake up and people need to be responsible for their own problems

  4. i say blame bush since he became president the economy has been really bad. lets hope mccain doesnt win hes just like bush.

  5. The American economy will collapse for two reasons. 1: The fraudulant Federal Reserve has created the worst inflation problem the world has ever seen, which is devaluing the American dollar as we speak. 2: The economy has to collapse to bring forth the North American Union which will be forced onto Canada, Mexico, and America

  6. Who put your mom in this terrible situation?

    That's who you can blame.

  7. Actually I think that's a fair question, as it deals with reality. The problem is, there's a bit of truth to both sides of the story. Yes, there are people that would live off of the system, these are the people that gripe about not having enough, when it seems like they're not having to work for it.

    But then people like your mom work hard, but when some crisis comes along, the stops put in place to keep those other people from taking advantage now halt your mom from getting real help.

  8. wow, Thats a pretty big question.

    and very opinionated.

    I think government are mainly to blame for most economical failures but being mad is not going to solve your problem.

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