
Which is worse; infidelity or physical abuse????

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Which is easier to forgive, infidelity or abuse?????




  1. Both are abuse.  One is mental abuse and the other is physical.  Even if it's infidelity NOT specificly to hurt anyone it still does.  It's selfish not to think of your partner when doing something like that.  It shows a very self centered side.

    Calisia asked "which one is illegal"

    In my state they both are.  If my husband had an affair with a woman who knew he was married I could sue the c**p out of her.

    In Pennsylvania, adultery is technically punishable by 2 years of imprisonment or 18 months of treatment for insanity

    for history, see Hamowy)(criminal statute repealed 1972

    In Maryland it is punishable by a ten dollar fine.

    In the U.S. Military, adultery is a court-martialable offense only if it was "to the prejudice of good order and discipline" or "of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces" [3]. This law has been applied to cases where both partners were members of the military, particularly where one was in command of the other, or one partner and the other's spouse.

  2. I have never seen anyone end up in the hospital or the morgue because they were a victim of infidelity.  Cheating is survivable.  Abuse isn't always so.

  3. Physical abuse is the worst, it could even end in death.

    Infidelity you can forgive it takes a while but you can forgive, and it will take a while to forget.

  4. Neither should be forgiven except for a slap in the face, and a kick out the door onto the streets.  Lol :P.  Neither one should be committed, and the relationship should end their, because nobody can say they are sorry and dno what they were thinking, because its just an excuse and not a problem solver.  They cheat, they should be left out in the cold...end of discussion. :)

  5. in my case abuse.. months ago my husband had a problem with trying to cheat and drunk arguments led to the other.. i can't forgive the almost cheating still

  6. Worse Physicall abuse "LOVE IS NOT ABUSE"

  7. Abuse is worse, but both are grounds for divorce/breakup.  

  8. Infidelity as we are all only human and can make mistakes.  Physically abusing someone is not a mistake.  It is an illness that needs treatment and could end up killing someone if severe enough.

  9. infidelity is easier to forgive you can never forgive physical abuse unless the person gets major help.........although infidelity requires help husband cheated he and I are in therapy i have forgiven him if he beat me I don't think he would be alive long enough for me to forgive him but if my family didn't get to him I could never forgive him anyway.....

  10. infidelity, there might be a problem to be solved to stop it. Abuse there is no excuse for.

  11. Both are prettty bad.  Physical abuse is worse.

  12. Probably physical abuse, but that's assuming it hurt.  Smacking your spouse on the butt might be more forgivable than french kissing your neighbor in the backyard.  Punching her/him in the face probably worse than hiring a prostitute.  Throwing them down the stairs repeatedly and burning their arm with a cigarette would probably be worse than an affair at work.

    I am in no way qualified to talk further on this topic.

  13. Never having been the victim of either, I'd have to say physical abuse.

    One can love two people, so being disloyal to one's life partner doesn't mean anything negative about the partner, whereas physically abusing them requires a certain amount of disrespect towards them.

    I'd much rather be cheated on than beaten.

  14. The worse would have to be the physical abuse. The easiest one to forgive would have to be infidelity. Abuse has nothing to do with love.  

  15. I think abuse, you should LEAVE him, oooops I think you left him already...

  16. You have got to be kidding me! Think of it this way, which one is illegal?

  17. They both are bad however one hurts the heart the other hurts outside and inside.  I would rather be cheated on at least I could leave without being scared that I am going to be beaten if I was to leave.

  18. They both say that the other person has not respect for you.  I think infidelity can be worked on if both parties are willing to seek counselling but I think that any sort of abuse is a deal breaker and you need to get out fast.

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