
Which is worse????????????

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Which is worse, or more hated, "The Evil Empire" or "The Nation"

Baseball fans will know what Im asking.




  1. The Empire.  Even with their team failing to do anything the past 8 years they still are cocky as h**l and always pull out the 26 c**p.  There are no other fans out there that do that.  The Celtics and Lakers don't go on and on about their championships when people say something to them.  It's getting really old.  Guess what Empire, you weren't around for the majority of those 26 anyways so get over it, stop being so cocky, and understand you can't buy a team to win.  Oh and have fun in your new stadium that will be packed with wealthy businessmen and other rich people and not true baseball fans because they won't be able to afford the tickets.  That franchise is getting destroyed in every which way.  

  2. E






  3. I would have to say "The Evil Empire" is more disliked.

  4. The Evil Empire Because they have Big Ego's where the Nation gets rid Big Ego's, The Bigger of two Evils is the Evil Empire the Yankees, Root for the Nation The Red Sox Nation.

  5. For me, the Nation.  The Yankees are old news nowadays.  Red Sox fans are so annoying!  We get it, you're good now, congratulations.  Now quit bragging!  85 years of blowing it.  Reverse that!

  6. Some members of the Nation have become a lot harder to take now that they are winning, while on the other hand, some of the stormtroopers of the Evil Empire seemed to have learned a little humility.

    Overall though, I say the Evil Empire is still just a little worse and a little more hated by virtue of their sheer numbers.

  7. From an outside (not a fan of either), I would say they're both about the same. They make a bigger deal of the other team than should be made...Both teams spend money, both teams are really good and both have cocky fans who overreact to bad stretches and tough losses. But I understand that being spoiled with winning does that...and being used to losing seasons and cheering for the underdog is a completely different mentality.  

  8. I would say its "The evil EMpire" yankees because they are better thats y people hate them so much

  9. I don't think it's really a question there that The Evil Empire is more hated.  

  10. Evil Empire by far.  They still think the Yankees are good, they just can't win.  Then when they hear that, they rant and rave about 26 rings...What have you done for me lately? Oh yeah, you lost to that awful Marlins team in the WS in 03, oh wait, and you got knocked off by the Dbacks in 2001...good work.  Can we also continue to rant and rave about how good "Jeet" is!!  Comon, he's the 2nd best hitting shortstop and 2nd best fielding short stop on the team and he still won't move over to 3rd for Arod, gimmmmmmme a break pal!

  11. The Evil Empire... but then again you're talking to a red sox fan.

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