
Which is worse teen pregnancy or teenage drug use?

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Is it worse that the Palin girl is pregnant, or a presidential candidate was (according to his/her autobiography) was using drugs?




  1. I say choice C.

    C. teen growing up to be a democrat

    What could be worse than that?

  2. Most teens experiment with drugs. Big deal?

    And so what if her daughter is pregnant, it's none of your business. She is keeping the baby, because she obviously wants it and she is getting married to the father.

    I'm sick of people getting so melodramatic and obsessive over the most trivial things. Grow up.

  3. neither.

    it's worse that Palin is a far-right fundie nutjob hypocrite who (until very recently) belonged to a political party that actually wanted to vote on *leaving* America!

    That's all we need to know about her

  4. Neither of them are any worse than Clinton having  Monica under his desk in the oval office.

  5. drugs is worse

  6. drug use is by far worse...having s*x is NORMAL...a 40 year old black politician snorting COCAINE for a decade and then running for president 8 years later, ISN'T.

  7. Pregnancy will alter ones shape.   But that's recoverable.

    Drugs alters every part of a persons self and may never be recoverable.

    That being said, I'd go take care of my own kids before thinking I can take care of someone else's kids.

  8. I bet teenage drug use leads to most teenage pregnancy, especially if you include beer

  9. Pregnancy is way worst cause it's you have to deal with the after math for the rest of your life.

  10. Well they say that s*x can be a she guilty twice?

    To Alice:  'Drugs is..' is not grammatically correct.  It should be 'drugs are'.

  11. Nobody seems to mind that the current president used drugs...

  12. Neither really matter.  The girl isn't running for office and the drug use was a long time ago.  Niether one matter to me.

  13. ms palin said she smoked pot when she was kid

    why does it matter now?

  14. Actually bringing another life into this world while unprepared is worse.  At least with drugs you are doing it to just yourself.

  15. Bush is actually in the White House and he has a history of alcoholism and substance abuse, so obviously that is not a big deal to Republicans.

    The rising rate of teenage pregnancy and the reactionary policies of the right wing concerning s*x education in this country are more important.

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