
Which is worse what vickie did to edge or edge did to vickie?

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i wonder if vickie should have forgave edge cus i feel bad for him. was what vickie did to edge for putting him in the h**l in a cell match worse than edge cheating on her?




  1. what vickie did to edge was worse but i wish the old edge would come back the cool edge.

  2. What edge did to vickie

  3. No he got what he deserved for cheating on her but I hope he comes back face so I can be an active edgehead

  4. The Hole vicky storyline was bad for Edge

    it killed his Rated R Gimmik. Vicky Killed the former Edge. and made him not as entertaining. he lost all his credibility for being seen with her

    so all in all What Vicky did to The Rated R Edge is Far worse then anything Edge will do to vicky

    Vicky should burn in h**l for what she did to The Rated R Edge

  5. What Edge did to Vicki.  Edge also toyed with "The Family" also who was always by his side.Vicki got Edge a vacation after h**l in a Cell.  

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