
Which is your fav shakespeare play? and why?

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Which is your fav shakespeare play? and why?




  1. Othello - The passion and conflict that underlies the whole play. Understanding history behind the play made it so much better the second time around.

    Hamlet- The story, the craziness, Horatio, of course, and Ophelia, her dialog with the flowers was wonderful.

  2. This is a very subjective question.  For me it depends on the category.  Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, and historical plays.  So if I am in the mood for a good comedy I love Much Ado About Nothing -- why? because I love Beatrice and Benedict and their sparing.  They are both so tremendously funny, and yet, the fact that they are played with complete seriousness, makes them that much funnier to me.  I also love Dogberry.  He is such an idiot.  Yet, he is able to help discover the truth of the "ruse."  Which make him a very important character.  If course, I also like A Mid -Summer's Night Dream as well.  I think Puck is my favorite character.

    If I want a tragedy, it has to be Romeo and Juliet.  Perhaps one of the greatest speeches from any play is the Queen Mab speech by Mercutio.  This play is truly sad, because both families realize too late that they were both wrong, and that there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome.  This is a true tragedy.

    Historically, there are none that are actually completely true to historic events, but  I like King Lear, Richard III and Hamlet equally.  Why?  I love the language and the way the characters are able to relate to the audience.  We are brought in to the story, and we are allowed to be a part of it.

    Of course there is also his poetry, and one form of the English sonnet is called a Shakespearen sonnet.  So he was also a master in that area.

    I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift.  For every answer you receive here, you will have a different response.  That is the beauty of Shakespeare, he is timeless, and people still relate to the beauty of the language and though there are often lose plots, and unfinished business left over, in general terms, this is wonderful art.  That is why it still goes on even after 400 years since his death!  What are your favorites?

  3. Let's divide the answer into the three main play groups:

    Tragedy--although HAMLET, LEAR, etc. are incredible, I have a special place in my heart for TIMON OF ATHENS and CORIOLANUS, two bitter works that show humanity at its worst.  

    Comedy--THE COMEDY OF ERRORS is a hoot--mistaken identities abound!

    History--nothing beat HENRY V for great speeches and powerful dialogue.  Henry's tennis court oath, the great speech before the battle of Agincourt....this is what makes Shakespeare the greatest of all playwrights

  4. Richard III--I don't know if anyone would consider this to be the best of Shakespeare's plays, but I absolutely adore it. I love it for the simple reason of the memories I have of it. I saw it in a park and it was my first Shakespeare play I ever saw back my freshman year of high school. Since then it's inspired me to study other plays of him which I absolutely love and cherish and believe are amazing. But Richard III stands out because I can remember the curtain's opening and the feeling I got as it closed.

    And it's a gosh darn good play!!

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