
Which is your favorite: Coke or Pepsi?

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  1. Coke!


  2. Pepsi

    Leo, Coke tastes FLAT and Pepsi actually has some kick to it

  3. pepsi :) it makes better burps haha and that's what my mom drank so i used to steal drinks from her cup all the time lol :) -- scorpio

  4. Pepsi because it taste better than Coke.


  5. Pepsi, usually diet pepsi. It tastes refreshing!

    I'm a Virgo

  6. Coke Zero!! No calories lol an Aries has to stay thin!! Although I don't drink pop very much

    I'm an Aries;...

  7. PEPSI

    because it tastes better than Coke...Coke has a nasty after taste....I think Pepsi is stronger than Coke.

    Im a Capricorn

  8. No question about it...Coke is better.  I just think Pepsi has a strange taste to it.

    Virgo sun

    Scorpio moon

    Gemini rising

  9. Coke, with a little vanilla cream creamer in it! Yummy!

    I am scorpio.

  10. Coke.

    its less sweet, better politics, and it just seems cooler.


  11. coke


    its delicious  

  12. pepsi cuz it tastes betterrrr n im saggitarius

  13. Coke.  I was raised in the South and I live in Atlanta, the home of Coca Cola.  I'm a Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp.

  14. Pepsi. It's nostalgic. I think it's because I love tangier sodas compared to molasses typed. I think Pepsi is like the battle between McDonald's And BK. BK has better burgers and McDonald's Have better Fries.

    BK is my pepsi. I Rather stick with BK.

    I am an Aries.

  15. coke:)

    it tastes better.

    and im scorpio

  16.'s sweeter and doesn't have as much carbonation as coke. I mean I like carbonated drinks, but Coke just seems like it has too much for some reason.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  17. Pepsi...i drink only diet coke and diet pepsi...and the diet pepsi is slightly sweeter so I prefer it.  For some reason the carbonation also seems less intense, which I prefer.


  18. coke and i seriously think thats the dumbest question ever they both taste the same

  19. I like Coke because it tastes better.


  20. Coke, Pepsi always tastes sort of watery in comparison.

    I'm an Aries. =]

  21. Pepsi, but I haven't drank it for so long, I have been drinking healthier lately.  

  22. pepsi, gemini

  23. Coke because it tastes better. My sign is neon.

  24. Pepsi.  The flavor is delicious and doesn't have an aftertaste like coke.  scorpio

  25. Neither. I Prefer A Sweet Soda Like Starkist or NuGrape. I Can't Stand The Taste Of Strong Soda's, But I Have Tasted Them Both In The Past And Liked Coke Better.


  26. Coke

    Another Scorpio speaking

  27. i definately prefer coke, it just tastes so much better. i can tell the difference because i once asked for a glass of coke n it didnt taste good, like watery n different n i didnt drink it, later discovering it was pepsi.

    im a libra

  28. Coke, pepsi is too sweet and it has less soda than coke

  29. Cherry Pepsi

    I am a Virgo

    Happy Birthday Trill the reason I found out is because some her gave you a shout out I just answer the question it say something like Has anyone here seen Tril? or you could just look it up at my previous answers. Wow I am like number 50 and nobody notice it was your birthday but me I think I deserve the 10 points for real.

  30. Coke, because it has more flavor. Pepsi is just too sweet. And... my sign is Aquarius.

  31. Coke, for some reason I have also drank it. not too much of a pepsi fan unless that is all they have.

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