
Which is your favorite book in the Twilight Saga??

by Guest32724  |  earlier

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Which book from the Twilight Saga did you like best?


**New Moon


**Breaking Dawn

~~~How would you rate each book and which one is your favorite and why is it your favorite?





  1. I think that Twilight was the best because I think it was the least boring and the most exciting. It was more interesting because you learned more and more about the Cullen's and all of the new information keeps on coming until the very end. I think that the events that took place in the last chapters were so amazing and unexpected, and made the book so awesome and unforgettable.

    Eclipse was my second favorite, because so many things were taking place. There were so many questions and suspicions going on in Bella's head that you couldn't stop till you found the answers.

    New Moon was very good but not as good as Twilight and Eclipse. I think it had the most exciting and shocking beginning out of all of the books in the series, however, after that, it pretty much went downhill. It go more and more boring, until a couple of chapters later when Jacobs other life was revealed. The book began to pick up the pace, and learning about the werewolves was exciting and cool. It got a little boring again a little while later, but then edward came back, and again the pace picked up. When the story did overcome it's bad parts, the events that occurered were great. If New Moon had been 200 pages shorter, it might have been my favorite in the series. However, the bad parts ruined the great parts.

    I still am on defense when it comes to Breaking Dawn. I don't know how to rate it because I am constantly changing my mind. I think a lot of surprising things happen, and I think that it is very well-written. This may sound surreal, but Breaking Dawn reminds me of a reality show. Some of the things that happen aren't action packed or totally great. But because we have grown to really like the characters, these little things seem shocking and compelling. The fact is, if Breaking Dawn had came out as a regular book, not part of a saga, it would have sucked. But since we have grown to relate to the characters, it is interesting. Overall, it is a good ending to an amazing saga. I am confused about weather or not it is better than Eclipse or New Moon, but I am definately sure that it is no where near the brilliance of Twilight.

  2. i like twilight the best! i don't like new moon much

    twilight - 10/10

    new moon - 3/10

    eclipse - 8.5/10

    breaking dawn - 8.5/10

  3. I think Twilight is my favorite. But then after that I think they are all equal! In Twilight I love how their relationship develops,and everything else about it.

    All the books are a ten, I loved them all!!

  4. If I would list it from top to bottom, the first being the best and the last the lowest, this would be it:

    Twilight - This is just a classic. This is where it all started. Clumsy, awkward Bella Swan meets s**y, mysterious Edward Cullen. A godlike vampire fell in love with a normal human being. It`s just so sweet. Also, Jacob wasn't there to spoil the moments. :))

    Eclipse - Let`s see, what was so great about Eclipse? 1) The awesome fight scene! I wish I was there! :D 2) Edward proposed to Bella! 3) The tent scene! Haha;) Edward and Jacob were so funny! "Go fetch a space heater. I'm not a St. Bernard." 4) It was more well-written than the others.

    Breaking Dawn - It's a close match with Eclipse. :) Because of Breaking Dawn, I got to like Jake here. The bickering with Rosalie? Wow, cracked me up in many places! :)) Oh, and how can you not fall for Renesmee? She`s a spitting image of Edward, for God's sake! She'd put beauty queens to shame at the age of 7. :> And how about the last two pages? I cried! :'c

    "No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you."

    "I only know of one exception."


    I`m glad Jacob imprinted, (though I secretly wished it was Leah) he and Renesmee will wow the other couples, next to Bella and Edward. Everyone's finally at peace...

    Also those two heartbreaking words, "the end" I'm going to miss the Twilight series! :}

    New Moon - Lastly, the book that caused me grief and almost stopped me from reading it any further. Still, I finished it. The reunion was the best part, overall! Haha=)) Jacob irritated me in New Moon! But he redeemed himself in Breaking Dawn.

    Twilight - 10/10

    Eclipse - 9.5/10

    Breaking Dawn - 8.5/10

    New Moon - 5/10


  5. Twilight 5/5

    New Moon 2/5

    Eclipse 4/5

    Breaking Dawn 3/5

    My favorite is Twilight, but I like Breaking Dawn its my second favorite.

  6. 1. Eclipse 5/5

    2. Twilight 5/5

    3. Breakign Dawn 4/5

    4. New Moon 3/5

  7. I liked New moon Best now.. and I also like Eclipse.. =D But i like twilight and breaking dawn.. =S Grr! I Like them all.

    **Twilight: 5/5

    **New Moon: 5/5

    **Eclipse: 5/5

    **Breaking Dawn: 4/5

  8. I liked Eclipse the best.  I think the stroyline was very good and you could finally see a breakthrough in Jacob & Edward's relationship.


    Twilight: 5/5

    NewMoon: 4/5

    Eclipse: 6/5

    BreakingDawn: 4/5

  9. I loved all the books. My favorites in order are;

    1.Twilight- Cause its the beginning and without we would be lost.

    2.Breaking Dawn-Exciting stuff happens in the book. It ties the whole ending together.

    3. Eclipse- The first fight happens, and Edward proposes.

    4.New Moon-idk

  10. How many times will this question be asked?  

  11. new moon was the best by far, twilight was the only other one I enjoyed reading. eclipse was below average and breaking dawn was absolute c**p. but I really like new moon. (prob because I hate edward)

  12. Omg! Twilight is the best overall! The first one has to be good and it's the best!

    Edward <3

  13. 1. twilight

    2. eclipse

    3.breaking dawn

    4. new moon

    i really loved twilight because it was a start of seomthing new and was very well writen. and eclipse was als very good..

  14. Twilight and Eclipse~~



    New Moon-4/5

    Breaking Dawn-3/5

  15. Twilight 9/10

    New Moon 5/10

    Eclipse 9.5/10

    Breaking Dawn 7/10

    As you can probably tell I liked Eclipse and Twilight. I really don't know why I like them.

  16. ECLIPSE is my fav.

    but i would rate them in this order



    3.breaking dawn moon

  17. oh man, i can't choose, but i will. lol

    i think i liked either twilight or new moon best.

    twilight was the perfect book to start off the saga. it definitely caught my attention and kept it throughout the book.

    new moon also kept my attention. i think it was a good thing to get edward out of the story for a little while, even though it made me sad. haha. but, it gave you a chance to get to know jacob more and explore bella and jacob's relationship on a whole different level.

    eclipse wasn't as good as i was expecting it to be. probably because everyone was like "eclipse is the best book in the series! omigosh!" lol. idk, there was just something about it that made it drag on. i mean, eclipse had it's moments, but it was just like open space in between those moments. don't get me wrong though, i still love that book.

    breaking dawn is just, ugh! but i guess i can't really say that cause i haven't quite finished the book yet (so obviously it's not keeping my attention.) lol. i just think it sounds like fanfiction put together to make a book. i was expecting more complications than just the baby. i think that jacob's part was the only good part in the book so far. i love jacob now more than ever (edward's still better though! lol)

    so, sorry for dragging that on but here are the final standings for me...

    ***Twilight- 5/5

    ***New Moon- 5/5

    ***Eclipse- 4/5

    ***Breaking Dawn- 3/5

    what would you say???

    have a good day!!


  18. twilight - it was new and original, and face it, the first books are always the best.

    breaking dawn - the storyline was very good(in my opinion)

    new moon - again, interesting storyline. i did not see that one coming.

    eclipse - it sort of dragged on, even with edward there, and i thought the fight scene with victoria wasnt very good.

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