
Which is your favorite type of Pizza from my list?

by  |  earlier

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Sausage? Extra cheese? Or Pepperoni?




  1. Extra Cheese. Gotta love Cheese. Plus I'm not much of a pork eater.

  2. I love extra cheese any time!

  3. From what you listed,I would go straight up pepperoni.But if given a choice,my FAV would be some kind of meat luvers style.s***w the veggies,just pile on the sausage,pepperoni,beef,bacon,and ham.Another fav of mine is Sausage and Onion,extra cheese,extra sauce.YUMMY

  4. Pepperoni. I don't think you can ever go wrong with pepperoni.

  5. I have to go with Extra Cheese Please! That is what makes a pizza, Crust, Sauce and cheese. Simple but soooo gooood.....

  6. Extra cheese please!  

  7. Pepperoni

  8. Pepperoni : )

  9. Sausage and extra cheese

  10. Pepperoni and getting ready to have one right now

  11. Extra cheese. Mmm, gooey.

  12. Extra cheese




  13. I guess I'd say pepperoni or else extra cheese.  You didn't mention my favorite topping, mushrooms!


  15. Pepperoni, with extra pepperoni:O)

  16.   sausage  

  17. Extra cheese, but if u add pepperoni to that then it's yummy yummy in my tummy :D

  18. Extra Cheese

    One can't survive in this house unless you have a great love for cheese!

  19. Extra Cheese!

  20. Sausage

  21. What a choice! Well I hate sausage and I'm not keen on pepperoni either. I like cheese so I guess it will have to be that, but I'm not sure I could handle that much of it.

  22. pepperoni!

  23. Pepperoni.

  24. 1. Pepperoni

    2. Extra Cheese

    3. Sausage

    My overall favorite though HAS to be Chicken Parmagian Pizza from a little pizza place where i live! They stuff between the sauce and cheese some chunks of chicken! It is amazing! So much better than when they pile it on top!

  25. Pepperoni. :D

  26. peperoni with sausage and extra cheese!

  27. Extra cheese, of course!

  28. extra cheese :D

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