
Which is your favourite country and why? USA not included!?

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Which is your favourite country and why? USA not included!?




  1. Mexico. It has a very interesting history and the food is great. The people are nice and there is awesome scenery.

  2. So far Italy - in particular Rome. It has wonderful fresh food not to mention the fact that you are literally walking through both history and works of art. You can walk where Julius Caesar, and Constantine walked or sit in a piazza designed by Michaelangelo or Bernini. It has beautiful fountains everywhere and you can walk to almost any place you want to get. The best part is that they love kids. It is so relaxing to have dinner in the Piazza Navona with a good glass of Chianti Classico while the kids are dancing to the entertainment or chasing the birds around a fountain made by Bernini. Not to mention the sunshine.

    My husband also loves Hong Kong of all the places in Asia he's been to.

  3. So far, Germany is my favorite country.  I have been living here for 5 months near the German-Austrian boarder and it is the scenery and life-style that does it for me.  Being spring right now, the Alps still have snow, but in the valleys it is sunny and warm.  I am big on mountain biking and this is the place!  Plus, how can I complain about a country that serves beer with breakfast?!  I can't.  Aside from all that, Germany has a rich culture, amazing cities, and wonderful people.

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