
Which is your favourite?

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My mate is impressed with all your opinions so far on her baby names ...

So she done short list and now wants to get the final names...

1) Samuel Jake William

2) Jake William Samuel


Emily-Beth (Emily-Beth as one first name!) Olivia

Amber-Lily Rose




  1. Taylor Samuel William

    Olivia Lola Rose

  2. the second one

  3. Samuel Jake William his nicname could be Sam, Jake or Will.

    Emily-Beth could also have a good nicname of Emi or Beth.

  4. I like Samuel Jake William and Emily Beth Olivia. They are beautiful!!! :)

  5. Personally i would say...

    William Jake Samuel for a boy (even though its not mentioned)


    Amber-Lily Rose for a girl.

  6. Olivia Rose

    Samuel William

    Anthony Jacob  AJ

    Congrats and best wishes

  7. samuel jake william and then amber lily rose

  8. Amber-Lily Rose and I know it's not an option but William Samuel Jake flows a little better to me. You could still call him Jake or Sammy or however you want to do that...

  9. Samuel Jake William and Emily-Beth Olivia the others don't flow as well.

  10. I dont like any of the boys, sorry.

    I love the name Amber-Lily Rose =]

    Suggestions for boys?









  11. Jake William Samuel and...hmm...can't decide out of the girls names they are both lovely...what about Amber-Lily Olivia?!!

  12. Samuel Jake William...It has a ring to it!

    I'm not a big fan of hyphonated names, but I'd go with Emily-Beth, Its pretty.

  13. Samuel Jake William, Jake for a first name is to dog like? sorry, but its actually quite nice for a 2nd name

    as for the girl, i say drop olivia and have Amber-Lily Rose....that has to be one of the prettiest names ive heard in a long time

  14. Boys

    No 1 (Samuel Jake William)


    No2 Olivia Amber-Lilly Rose

    I LOVE 'Rose' but other than that, I'd go for Emily-Beth, is beautifull :)

  15. Samuel William Jake

    Amber-Lilly Rose :)

  16. Samuel Jake William and Amber-Lily Rose.

    Samuel Jake William flows alot better than Jake William Samuel. The same goes for Amber-Lily Rose, which I think is a gorgeous name.

    The meanings of the names are as followed:

    Samuel - His name is God

    Jake - Supplanter

    William - Strong Willed Warrior

    Amber - Precious Stone

    Lily - Lily Flower

    Rose - Rose Flower

    I think the names she has narrowed them down to are all gorgeous but Samuel and Amber are by favourites. Plus, Amber isn't as common as Emily is.

    Hope this helps


  17. For the boys name I like Jake William Samuel.

    for the girls name, I like Emily Beth Olivia.

  18. i think samuel jake william sounds the best

    amber lilly rose

  19. jake willaim samuel!

    amber lily rose!

  20. jake william samuel for a boy and amber-lilly rose is beautiful for a girl x

  21. i would say:

    Samuel Jake William



    Amber-lily is actually rely nice too

    which ever you pick they're both great names!

  22. Jake William Samuel

    Emily-Beth Olivia

  23. I think that Jake William Samuel doesn't sound that good in that order. I think that the first one for the boys is really good.Olivia Amber Lilly Rose sounds way to long. I Love the name Emily Beth it sounds very good. I have a suggestion that is not listed you should try Jacquelinen Rose. I think that name sounds very good.Good Luck!

  24. I prefer Jake William Samuel and Emily-Beth Olivia--so pretty!!

    Best wishes to your friend!!

  25. Samuel Jake William and Amber-Lily Rose.  They just sound better and nicer than the other two.  good luck  :)

  26. Samuel Jake William and Emily-Beth Olivia

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