
Which is your master: Money, s*x or Religion?

by  |  earlier

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I am just thinking...the religion has lost its major inluence, ever since the Renaissance. Even the s*x seems like an obsolesence of the 70s, the "sexual revolution" and etc. seems to be: the money.

Idk, if the 20th century was called "century of flight" - but this gotta be: a "century of money" - or "century of greed and money" more likely :).




  1. Really, none of the above. I am not religious and I don't care at all for money (aside from having enough to survive and pay for classes). s*x is certainly nice, but it doesn't control my life.

  2. I have only one Master, God, and I would not exchange Him for the universe.

    Even His universe pales beside His Majesty.

  3. I would say it is none of the choices you gave, but instead education and learning...I love learning!

  4. Religion. Money and s*x will get you no where when you die.    

    s*x before marriage is wrong any-who.

  5.   I claim no master, but I must agree...the world has turned to greed and there seems to be no turning back. I try to find solace in my work and in my family, and even there,  there is need and greed. I can't help with the money, and for what it's worth I'll pray for them...if that doesn't work, there's always the s*x part....s***w em.

  6. Nature is my master, not any of the above mentioned. Why? because nature affects everything we all do.

  7. Religion, you're right, has become a muddle of 'h**l', 'no-h**l', 'h**l-on-earth' and 'heaven, angels and puffy clouds' even more so.  s*x will always be the staple of mankind just behind breathing and nutrition ..That leaves money to be the great arbiter, the scorekeeper, the root of all evil, the abider of mistresses, the power and the glory and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Not to mention the sustainer of religion.  Religion, you're right, has become a muddle of ..... whoa...... money makes the world go round.

  8. I am my own master but money definitely puts up a lot of brick walls in my life

  9. None of the above, I am my own master.

  10. I don't know, I wouldn't say any of them really, but if I had to pick one I suppose it would be s*x... s*x or religion.. Not religion as in a Religion or Spirituality but religion as in some vague sense that there is a certain way my life is supposed to turn out, and I'm engaged in constant struggle with reality in order to build that picture.

  11. women are my master.  

  12. s*x is a bigger drive for me. I am an atheist, so I have no religion. I inherited money, so I need not worry about it. I have a big s*x drive.  

  13. I am trying to make happiness my master....much better than religion or money. s*x would be my master if I could choose I suppose.

  14. None of the above

    my master is morals

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