
Which issue is your main concern?

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I know they're all important, but what concerns you the most? Is it the care...illegal immigration...etc. Please explain.




  1. Where our next president will lead us.  We need to turn this car around and go in a totally different direction.

    America is not a bomb and proceed nation. We are more dignified than what we have done.  

  2. war, it was started by lies then continued on because of fear! fear that Bush started.

  3. My main issue is healthcare.

    To provide universal healthcare, the illegal immigration problem must be solved.

    To shore up the economy, healthcare must be removed from the corporate responsibility list.

    To deal with investment in new sources for energy, healthcare costs must be lowered, including weaning the entire country off prescription solutions for everything.

    I think healthcare is the biggest problem.

  4. economy bc it sort of goes in hand w/ everything else in my list of worries!

  5. Stopping nuclear weapons proliferation.

    Once 'rogue' nations come to possess them, and then their scared neighbors, ... our world is toast.

  6. effects everything eles  

  7. the most serious one that is never addressed to satisfaction and that is illegal immigration we need to by any means get a handle on it and do it now not later when our kids are having to pay the price  

  8. economy and taxes

  9. The economy and the War in Iraq. They go hand in hand to me.

  10. 1. Keeping socialists out of government.  

  11. Global Warming, James Hansen from NASA said in an article on the Washington post that we have a small window to act, or he warns of dire consequences

  12. terrorism.  all the rest is nothing if we're attacked again.

  13. Health care.  I don't understand why people can't just get pay for their own thing.  It really pisses me off that poor people get everything for free.  I'm sorry I graduated high school and went to college, and others had the same opportunity.  All colleges offer financial aide.  People need to stop getting things handed to them.

  14. war.Cause so much money,lives and then the economy will get care cause we need it!  

  15. Illegal immigration,National security,the economy and my right to bear arms.

    My main issue is guns. If a politician is anti gun..I don't care where they stand on other issues.That one issue alone tells me what kind of leader they want to be and they have no respect for the constitution.

  16. Economy to be honest because after i graduate from college

    i want a good economy that can reimburse me well for my hard earn credentials and i don't see that happening with Mccain as president considering most of our jobs will be outsourced to third world $hitholes like India,philippines

  17. Economy, which Obama is planning to crash.

    But they all kind of go hand in hand. Illegal immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans and oil is driving everything up.

    Obama's wrong on every one of the issues.

  18. 1. Drilling for our own oil.

    2. Illegal immigration-ending it.

    3. War.

  19.    The Economy

  20. Education. We cannot continue to be the number one nation in this world without inspiring our young children to learn and making it accessible to whom ever wants it. My husband and I struggle to get him graduated from school. It has become a luxury to most. With a republican held congress they sent control of student loans back to the banks which in return hiked up the interest rates to 10% on average. It was just 4% before that. Now my husband and I are in student loan debt that is astronomical.

  21. They are all equally important. The problem is no one ever knows which one will suddenly be THE one that we can not ignore. That is why we need a very intelligent, analytical thoughtful person as Commander in chief. Not someone who really cannot tell you how many houses he owns, (which sounds so absurd it is almost unbelievable).

    McCain does not seem to have the judgment required for such a difficult task. Look who he picked for Veep. She may be a very nice/capable individual. McCain, however chose her without even knowing her at all. It is very important for the communication to be crystal clear between the president and the vice president. How can you know if this is even possible if you do not even really know of them publicly speaking, let alone know them personally.

  22. the real estate market and oil

  23. War....It is immoral to remain in a Iraq.  Bush, Rove, Cheney have sentenced so many Americans and Iraquis to a senseless death and it will end up costing our country trillions of dollars that we do not have (currently borrowing from China and other countries) over the next 50-70 years.

  24. Health Care

    Restoriing our relations with the rest of the world

  25. I would really like to hear any of the candidates ask this question

    WHY did the worlds greatest military

    power FAIL to defend even its own HQ?


    Question EVERYTHING!

    A! where are we going?

    and why are we in this handbasket?

  26. War: my husband is in it

    Healthcare: We used to not have it, until military Tricare came along.

  27. The Economy and the value of the dollar and our debt to China, all of which were caused by the war.  We are just beginning to feel the sting of the disastrous 8 years of Bush/Cheney and I am scared to death.

    An interesting article just out this week on the July numbers:

    "The US money supply has experienced the sharpest contraction in modern history, heightening the risk of a Wall Street crunch and a severe economic slowdown in coming months. Data compiled by Lombard Street Research shows that the M3 ''broad money" aggregates fell by almost $50bn in July, the biggest one-month fall since modern records began in 1959.

    "Monthly data for July show that the broad money growth has almost collapsed," said Gabriel Stein, the group's leading monetary economist."

    (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,"Sharp US Money Supply contraction points to a Wall Street crunch ahead", UK Telegraph)


  28. all of the above  

  29. They all go hand-in-hand as far as America is concerned.  Watching the direction in which this country has been has to learn to be apart of the 21st century and have their eyes opened to everything.  We have to stop just addressing issues and find solutions.  We have allowed the government to sit behind closed doors long enough without having definite results to these "issues"!

  30. Health care as we know it would be gone forever.  You would be expected to take what the Dr orders, and be happy with it.  The extremely sick that are sucking up lots of bucks for health care will be coded as "not mandatory" for treating,


    the elderly will suffer because they cost a lot to take care of.

  31. The age of the VP.


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