
Which job has more fatalities: cops or corrections?

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Which job has more fatalities: cops or corrections?




  1. I would say the police might be a deadlier job over CO's because at least the prison has strict rules.  I know that prisoners can hide weapons and attack at any given moment, but officers are out and about and anyone can have a gun at any given time.  Also, anyone can shoot an officer for no reason at all.

  2. cops

  3. I am not sure but I would say the police. But a lot of corrections fatalities are not mentioned outside of the county or state.

  4. Cops by my research. More are killed in traffic accidents than anything else. Corrections officers killed in traffic accidents are not considered killed in the line of duty. Unless actually transporting prisoners, and that is extremely rare.

  5. Both branches of law enforcement carry inherit dangers within their workplace enviroments.  Overall however--cops work in a more wide open and violatle enviroment.....where in an eyeblink, things can go down fatally flashpoint--even if cautions are followed.

    Correctional officers face dangers too---but their enclosed workplace enviroments keep enough aim towards REDUCING the dangers of inmates carrying weapons.  But NO prison anywhere is totally clean of dangerous weapons falling into inmate hands.

    One of the most prevalent dangers in ANY branch of law enforcement in America, in my opinion, is administrative abusive politics handed down to patrol line and corrections officers.  

    Officers facing dangerous criminals and inmates have enough stress to deal with: they don't need to face their jobs being toyed with by bored INEPT administrators who hide behind desks, either clueless or have forgotten the dangers of the streets or prisons they have empowerment over.

  6. Police officers.

    Traffic accidents are a leading cause of on duty deaths. Corrections spends limited time in a vehicle, and that operation is at normal speeds under normal conditions.

    Also, police officers are in an uncontrolled environment, where the people they deal with have unlimited access to weapons.

  7. Both have way to many. You should be able to research this on the web however.

  8. Check out the Officer Down Memorial Page to help you research your answer!

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