
Which job is better to start out with ? Mcdonalds or Subway ?

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I have a job interview with Subway Sunday morning and I have a job orientation with Mcdonalds on Monday and wednesday. Which is better for my first job ?




  1. Subway. I think the customers will be nicer.

  2. Subway may have higher standards

    but it's cleaner

    and you're gonna be surrounded by healthier fast food options

    but McDonald's accepts every potential employee

    although it's dirtier

    Although i know someone who worked at subway

    and she says

    "i'm never eating anything but the veggie wrap when i go to subway"

    so i'm not sure if either experience is great

    i recommend Chick-Fil-A or In-N-Out

    both pay better

    and they're are both very sanitary

  3. Subway

  4. Subway would be nicer if you can get in

  5. I think Subway because McDonalds makes you fat!!!  :)

  6. Personally I'd try to find a job that paid some tips if it's possible.

  7. Subway,  it looks way better on your resuame in the future,

  8. Subway has fewer crying birthday breakfast  shift that begins at 5am.  My vote is to go with Subway if you can.

  9. SUBWAY! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  10. subway!

  11. Subway.All you do is put food on bread.and cook meat.

  12. Subway. Honestly who wants to say "I work at McDonalds!" besides subway's food is better

  13. I think the "acne factor" would be lower at subway.

  14. Subway, at least you can then say you are and 'artist'! LOL

  15. I would recommend Subway. The reason is, that it is your first job and McDonald's appears to be very fast paced at times and has many more opportunities to get hurt. There are deep fryers, stoves and other things that can be very dangerous. Even if you are very careful, another employee may have an accident. Subway doesn't have all that stuff. So, if the pay is the same, take the safer road to start on.

  16. I say Subway, at least then you don't go home smelling like a fat fryer....Smell of that grease from burgers and fries sticks to your hair and your clothes. Gross!

  17. nope, u should find another job if its that bad

  18. ive never worked fast food, or anything remotely close, but from what ive seen it looks like subway would be the better choice .

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